By Enrique Tessieri
The biggest shock on April 17 was that Finns woke up to the reality that a large minority (19.1%) had radical views on issues like the EU, immigration and nationalism. A poll published on Friday showed that the Perussuomalaiset (PS) party continues to be the biggest in Finland. What does it say about the present state of Finland?
The PS, or that closed and angry group of people clenching their fists and yelling damn the devil/everything (!), or perkele saatanas (PS), are a belated fruition of decades of living under the shadow of the Soviet Union during the cold war. That period fuelled if anything our sense of isolation and mistrust of the outside world.
The PS are as well a reminder to us of the deep state of denial Finns have lived in when looking at our history. By erasing our cultural and ideological diversity we ended up creating a very narrow and deaf view of ourselves. Even if the Winter and Continuation War ended in 1940 and 1944, respectively, we are still fighting in those trenches with our nationalism and suspicion of the outside world.
In light of this, it should not come to any surprise that the PS’ reaction to the economic crisis in Europe is fear. The prescription is simple: blame the “elitist” EU, immigrants, in particular Muslims, for our problems and bring back the good old times of black-and-white television sets and when analyzing the world was a simple mathematical formula: 1 + 1 = 2.
The fear-mongering spread by the PS appears to have no limits. Just like some people thought back in the fifteenth century that the world was flat, too many have the same perception of society and other groups today. Even if the Internet opened up the world to us, it has done little to question our prejudices but found a large audience and a home for them.
One of the most “society-is-flat” statements I heard was last month by a prominent PS politician of Mikkeli, who claimed on a letter to the editor to Länsi-Savo that if the EU ever became a federation, the Finns, Finnish culture and langauge would disappear from the face of the map.
“The (implementation) and the development of the EU into a federation will in time mean the death of the Finnish people (as a group), language and culture in the same way that happened to other Finnish-speaking groups (in Russia) like the Mari, Vatjas and Veps,” the PS politician writes. “I value my fatherland and my culture so much that I don’t want the same to happen (to us).”
What is incredible about this affirmation is that it was not only published by the local paper after what happened in Norway, but that the writer compares small Fenno-Ugric groups in Russia and Latvia with the over five-million Finns that live in Finland. In a later letter to the editor, the PS politician bestows more of his “foresight” on us by claiming that higher birth rates among Muslims are a threat because they will force white Europeans to become a minority in their continent.
The apocolyptic-like prediction of a “Muslim takeover” is very similar to what far-right groups in the US have been predicting a long time. The American Nazi Party, for example, sees an all-out “race war” taking place because whites are becoming a minority in their own country.
Finland and the rest of Europe are embarking on a perilous path if they allows fear to get the best of them. Parties like the PS show sadly that that is the path Finland and Europe should take.
The big test for Europe will, however, come in the years ahead. It will hinge on how we react to the financial crisis and who we blame for our problems.
“The fear-mongering spread by the PS appears to have no limits.”
Same would go for you too. You are no different:
“Finland and the rest of Europe are embarking on a perilous path…”
“The big test for Europe will, however, come in the years ahead. It will hinge on how we react to the financial crisis…”
Not to mention all you posted after tragedy in norways more or less telling Halla-aho should be kicked out of officer or else…!
“The PS, or that closed and angry group of people clenching their fists and yelling damn the devil (!), or perkele saatanas (PS), are a belated fruition of decades of living under the shadow of the Soviet Union during the cold war. That period fuelled if anything our sense of isolation and mistrust of the outside world.”
Such an nice anylize based on absolutely nothing. I suppose I should be making my spot on analyse on somalis that:
The somalis, or that closed and angry group of people clenching their fists and yelling praise allah (!), or allahu akbar! (AA), are a belated fruition of decades of living under the shadow of the Islam during the civil war. That period fuelled if anything our sense of radicalism and exploitation of the outside world by means of emmigration. Financing their civil war by money they have exploited in west.
“The biggest shock on April 17 was that Finns woke up to the reality that a large minority (19.1%) had radical views on issues like the EU, immigration and nationalism”
People sure has radical views like:
-Not wanting to give out money for people who have deliberately fixed reports of their financial situation and made a mess out if it
-Making the immigration less exploitable by “underage” asylum seekers that look like they are in their 30 and other exploits
-Actually loving their contry how it is!
It is you who has radical views! it is you who want to change Finland to your liking! And you expect no one want different? Blame those who like things how they are?
“In light of this, it should not come to any surprise that the PS’ reaction to the economic crisis in Europe is fear. The prescription is simple: blame the “elitist” EU, immigrants, in particular Muslims, for our problems and bring back the good old times of black-and-white television sets and when analyzing the world was a simple mathematical formula: 1 + 1 = 2.”
Once again you go into projecting your own views about PS into: they are simple people wanting good old times. And you talk about how PS voters are prejudice!
We should not blame EU politicians? Did EU not have regulations for the maximum debt? Did they not have the limits for possible deficts in budget? Yet few countries like Finland followed them and you ask us not to blame the ones that ignore their own rules and got us in to this? Why does only the countries that did everything right have to be punished by paying up for the bills for other? Even though Euro agreement forbid countries to pay others debts! And we shouldnt be EU sceptical at all?
“One of the most “society-is-flat” statements I heard was last month by a prominent PS politician of Mikkeli, who claimed on a letter to the editor to Länsi-Savo that if the EU ever became a federation, the Finns, Finnish culture and langauge would disappear from the face of the map.”
Finns make 1% of the EU population. Now that is a small minority. If EU is to become a federation then its all the reason to be concerned. It is not like we have too much into say when Germany and France have decided what to do.
“The apocolyptic-like prediction of a “Muslim takeover” is very similar to what far-right groups in the US have been predicting a long time. The American Nazi Party, for example, sees an all-out “race war” taking place because whites are becoming a minority in their own country.”
But is the muslim population not growing all the time? Is it not increasing all the time when the immigration from the muslim countries and higher birthrate by immigrants continue? When are these changing? When does the immigration stop and when does the birthrates go down to local population levels? If they dont, then there will be more muslims and in time maybe majority. How fast, one cant say ofcourse. If there is starting to be a muslim majority, does it not change anything? Not war but it is sure to have an effect. Is it wrong to be concerned your country might get fundamentally different?
You said that what happened in Norway would result in a huge drop in support for PS which would eventually would lead to the party to split in two, I explained that the tragedy would not effect PS in the opinion polls and it would make the party internally stronger
And now once again I have been proved to be correct, so is it about time you lived in reality instead of your comfort zone.
– “But is the muslim population not growing all the time? Is it not increasing all the time when the immigration from the muslim countries and higher birthrate by immigrants continue? When are these changing? When does the immigration stop and when does the birthrates go down to local population levels?”
The immigration won’t probably stop. It might go down, like it is doing now, it might go up again, but it will never stop completely.
As for the birthrates, they go down to local level in one generation. That is, the first generation of immigrants generally still have higher birth rates but the second generation does not differ significantly from the local level.
It is important to note that not all people born into a Muslim tradition choose to continue this tradition. The same way as all Finns are not devoted Christians even though their parents in many cases were, people from Muslim families can also give up or change their religion.
A good example are the Laestadians. They have and have had so high birth rates compared to other groups in the society that they should be in the majority in Finland by now. However, not all children born to a Leastadian family continue the tradition, especially not the tradition of having so many children. So Laestadians constitute only about 2 % of the population at the moment (no exact statistics are available).
‘WHITE British people will be in a MINORITY in their own country by 2066, an expert warned last night.
David Coleman, professor of demography at Oxford University, said they will make up less than HALF the population in just over 50 years.’
‘And soaring immigrant birthrates mean white British kids will be in a minority of youngsters in the UK even sooner.’
‘The US, by comparison, is now about 65 per cent white (non-Hispanic) and that group is projected to fall to 50 per cent by 2045.’
So the prospect of white Europeans being a minority in their own country is a very real dilemma within a lifetime in many European countries including the Netherlands, Sweden, and France according to people who are most qualified to judge. This denial of the inevitable by some politicians and their supporters shows how naive people have become on matters of immigration.
Klay, I never knew you read The Sun and regarded it as a reliable source. Moreover, David Coleman belongs to Migration Watch, an ant-immigration lobby group. By the way, just because a person has a university degree means automatically that he or she is right. Oversimplifying a problem may be the populist way of doing things. All it is at the end of the day is dangerous propaganda.
If you believe this person to be right and that all you need is a pocket calculator to preduct the future, you must not be sleeping well. The US Nazi Party talks all the time of a “race war.”
–‘The US, by comparison, is now about 65 per cent white (non-Hispanic) and that group is projected to fall to 50 per cent by 2045.’
Wow, too bad, Klay! I guess these “bad people” are going to take over teh white “good people.” If you want, I can send you the link of the American Nazi Party. They will tell you how to prepare for the “race war.” I’m not sure that The Sun is one of the things you have to stock up on for the long war.
the problem is not at all about white population (which is extremely racist) but western culture population that might disapear slowly.
And wanting to keep or protect our culture is not racist or xenophobic. Its perfectly normal.
All the speechs from the right wing in Europe is not about colour skin but about culture. But because targetting only one group (guess which one?) might not be approved so they target all the non western European people…
still some non western european immigrants never had any problems…but some do. Its a culture shock
Some schools in Belgium or France are not allowed to celebrate xmas anymore because its not compatible with some of the kids beliefs…
multiculturalism is a very good thing and enriching experience as long as everybody respects each other and the culture and habits of the country.
like i wont smoke or eat if i was in a muslim country during ramadan just by respect of the people who do it. But no one can forbid me to have a burger in a european city at 2pm
-‘By the way, just because a person has a university degree means automatically that he or she is right.’
Being a professor of demographics in one of the most famous and highly regarded universities in the world (Oxford) makes his opinion far more accurate and informed than any politican’s.
‘He has published over 90 papers and eight books and was the joint editor of the European Journal of Population from 1992 to 2000. In 1997 he was elected to the Council of the International Union for the Scientific Study of Population.’
So to compare him to someone who as you put it just ‘has a university degree’ shows how far you are willing to discredit those who have differing opinions to yourself.
Klay, demography is one thing and sociology, the study of society, is another. Add to this this guy’s honorary membership in the anti-immigration lobby Migration Watch and a picture of him starts to merge. Why is it that you source such “a distinguished academic” with The Sun? Couldn’t you find any reliable media to quote his claims? Or is The Sun a “reliable source” for you?
Not that there’s any way that the WASP could blame themselves for having stopped making children in sufficient numbers ages ago. No, that would be too easy. Let’s blame the Ayshas and Muhammeds who fled the war in Somalia for making children as usual instead.
Martin-Eric you do make a good point which I’m puzzled why it never gets mentioned at all. Instead of importing people into a country why not give incentives for couples to have more children such as tax breaks or earlier retirement. That way any money that would have been spent on potential immigrants for housing or integration/language classes could instead be used for that purpose.
Take for example Finland where the fertility rate at the moment is 1.83 children per woman (one of the highest in Europe). For a country to sustain it’s population with no significant demographic change and with no need for immigration the fertility rate needs to be 2.1 children per woman. In my humble opinion it’s more than achievable to reach that level. It may not happen overnight but certainly not impossible.
Enrique in this case does it matter where the source came from? Does the source change the fact that he is a Professor of demography at Oxford University? And the fact that his job title is that is evidence enough that he is a distinguished academic in his field otherwise he wouldn’t have got the post in the first place. We’re not talking about some obscure university no one has ever heard about. The statistics the Sun quotes are from a scientific study he published not some unqualified bias journalists’ predictions.
–Enrique in this case does it matter where the source came from? Does the source change the fact that he is a Professor of demography at Oxford University?
Sure it does. The Sun would print that type of hype but the FT, BBC wouldn’t touch it with a ten-foot pole never mine The Guardian. Why? Because it is opinionated and anti-immigrant.
While I am not comparing anyone to the Nazi regime, they too had long rows of academics with PhDs putting into place the networks of mass murder. So, as you can see, education doesn’t guarantee your intellectual integrity.
Klay, I doubt that you will ever understand because you appear to have little self-respect for yourself. But let me explain it to you in
2+2=41+1=2 language. People are not robots being blindly guided by culture. They have free will. People are highly adaptable to the terror of the animal and plant world. One of the key reasons why they adapt is because the have the ability to change. What you are suggestng is that while you appear to have free will and can change, but other groups are slaves and just blindly follow orders from their culture. Moreover, they never change and look just like they are in the future.What are you then bringing to the table with your “Muslim takevoer” argument? Your prejudice and ignorance.
Klay, you’re confusing two issues, namely the fear of a Ebonized Muslim Europe resulting from the locals making too few kids while third-world country immigrants keep on making their traditional dozen, verus the need for foreign labor. Implementing incentives for the locals to make more children will not solve the need for foreign labor. Not only that, but the economic replacement rate of 2.1 children per couple has disastrous consequences on the ecosystem, so encouraging it is not an option either.
well this has degenerated into all out argument about muslims and ingnored tons of other issues I had with the original text.. oh well..
Enrique, you put a lot of weight into muslims adapting the local culture. However you have made an issue that assimilation is a big no no. So how is it? They should adapt or not?
Even then they still will be muslims. It would need a equal number of muslims leaving their faith compared to net gain of immigration and higher birthrates to stabilize the muslim population numbers.
About David Coleman, Enrique, has anyone actually pointed flaws in his numbers or is it “opinionated and anti-immigrant” because results are against your liking?
–Enrique, you put a lot of weight into muslims adapting the local culture. However you have made an issue that assimilation is a big no no. So how is it? They should adapt or not?
Yossie, there is a big difference between assimilation, integration and multiculturalism. Assimilation is one-way integration. It has never worked and is, in my opinion, only an excuse for the majority to not recognize the rights of other minorities. If you are so much in favor of assimilation, why do tens of thousands of Finns in Southern Spain never learn to speak Spanish and don’t adapt but then you demand differential treatment of Muslims.
The best guarantee for social cohesion and good relations between groups is acceptance and equal opportunities. With assimilation you undermine those two matters.
because maybe the thousands of finns in southern Spain are boosting the economy and creating a lot of employment…so they are welcome.
If im wrong correct me it was just an asumption
Vincebel, the majority of immigrants work in Finland and thereby contribute to the economy. Even if they are on the dole, they spend their money on services and thereby promote employment and local businesses. What you see in Spain and in Finland is the same thing. Immigrants bring vitality to the economy and create jobs because they need services.
yep thats true i didnt see it that way. thanks for correcting me.
But (again i have no clue) is the balance between money spent on integration, language courses, unemployment money for the majority of foreigners, health services and the jobs created, the tax paids, the different services consumed (food, clothes, electricity…) is positive or negative?
FYI i am myself a foreigner who used this integration plan or 2 years and im thankfull for that.
Not that i want to blame foreigners (like myself) for economic problems but it could be an interesting information to counter PS speechs.
I would imagine assimilation worked just fine with finnish tatars. they are muslims, yet no issue has never been raised about it. Untill recently when we have had a new influx of muslim have people started talking about limiting parts of finnish culture like abandoning the christmas traditions in schools and so on.
“The best guarantee for social cohesion and good relations between groups is acceptance and equal opportunities. With assimilation you undermine those two matters.”
On the contrary, acceptance is better gained when people want to embrace finnish culture and language. Sticking on to your old ways that might be repulsive to local population isnt helping. Further more equal opportunities are given when immigrants are able to speak finnish at close level to natives and are behaving like natives. (and when they have similar level of education to natives)
“Yossie, there is a big difference between assimilation, integration and multiculturalism. Assimilation is one-way integration. It has never worked and is, in my opinion, only an excuse for the majority to not recognize the rights of other minorities. If you are so much in favor of assimilation, why do tens of thousands of Finns in Southern Spain never learn to speak Spanish and don’t adapt but then you demand differential treatment of Muslims.
The best guarantee for social cohesion and good relations between groups is acceptance and equal opportunities. With assimilation you undermine those two matters.”
Assimilation is ONLY form of immigration which has ever worked. You move to new country, you accept it’s ways and that’s it. It creates societies which are not divided, fractured and weakened.
As for “equal”. What a laugh! Your “equal” means that immigrants should be given preferential treatment you racist. Your attitude towards Finns is same as view of white people in South Africa were towards black people during height of apartheid.
As for acceptance. Acceptance comes when you show you want to be part of the group. Equal opportunity means that you must meet ALL the requirements there are for Finns. Never giving any preferential treatment.
And, as noted, Finns bring money to Spain. Immigrants we get bring crime and expenses.