Perussuomalaiset (PS)* MP Ano Turtiainen [1] is a lawmaker that claims that breaking the law is a feather in his cap. His most recent posting on Facebook appears that the PS MP is fliting to get another feather in his cap.
The posting is demeaning and straightforward (which is why we prefer not to post it in Migrant Tales): There is a black man that looks lost and states “Hi, when will I get money.”
The black man asks for money because, in Turtiainen’s world, black people don’t work but live off social welfare. The black man is asking for money because Finland’s new minister of the interior is a woman, Maria Ohisalo, of the Green party.
The fact that there is a woman and, on top of it, a Green is heading the ministry of interior is like consuming poison for the PS in general and MP Turtiainen in particular.
The post reads: “Finland has a Green minister of the interior. What’s your opinion..?”

If we switched things around a bit we’d get the following Facebook post: “Finland got Ano “Feather in One’s Cap” Turtiainen as an MP. What is your opinion..?”

* The Perussuomalaiset (PS) party imploded on June 13, 2017, into two factions, the PS and New Alternative, which is now called Blue Reform. In the last parliamentary election, Blue Reform was wiped off the Finnish political map when they saw their numbers in parliament plummet from 18 MPs to none. A direct translation of Perussuomalaiset in English would be something like “basic” or “fundamental Finn.” Official translations of the Finnish name of the party, such as Finns Party or True Finns, promote in our opinion nativist nationalism and racism. We, therefore, at Migrant Tales prefer to use in our postings the Finnish name of the party once and after that the acronym PS.
[1] Ano is a real name in Finland. The equivalent name for women is Anna. The translation of “ano” in Spanish is anus.