By Enrique Tessieri
The National Bureau of Investigation (NCB) have confirmed to have arrested two people suspected of supporting terrorism abroad, reports MTV3. The two suspects are speculated by evening tabloid Ilta-Sanomat to be Somalians with Finnish citizenship although this was not confirmed at a press conference Saturday by the NCB.
The skimpy information that the NCB has released suggests that Finland was not a target but terrorist groups operating outside the country.
I took a quick look at some popular blog sites in Finland right after noon like Uusi Suomi and the finger-pointing has started. One of these bloggers thanked former minister for immigration and European affairs, Astrid Thors, for bringing terrorism to this country.
While some members of the Persussuomaliset (PS) party and others are ready to round up a lynch mob before these two suspects are tried in a court of law, terrorism does not only arrive from abroad but within our own ranks like Anders Breivik demonstrated.
Are Norwegians being accused of being mass killers due to what happened on July 22? Certainly not.
Those whose worldview is tainted with prejudice and who cannot find anything good to say about certain immigrant groups will try to use this opportunity to give more credibility to their Islamophobic opinions. It will be as well an opportunity to pile more justified hatred and hostility towards certain immigrants.
Terrorism is a serious matter that should not be taken lightly. Even though this is the case, in our world people are innocent before they are proved guilty. We should now allow the law to take its due course.
Is every Somalian in Finland an Islamic? Aren’t some christian or atheistic? I wouldn’t slam them all as “Islams” any more than I would call them all “terrorists”. Surely many of them, especially the women, can reason out the way to refuse some of the tenets of Islam which enslave them, and thereby, in a free and open country like Finland, refuse the religion entirely. Let’s give the Somalians some credit for intelligence and independent thinking. They can’t all be thinking in lockstep ideas.
How are the Mormons doing, by the way, with their beautiful new Temple of 2006? Is there Mormonophobia growing? Do Somalians convert to Mormonism?