Comment: Remember the story about the death of a Somali youth in Espoo Leppävaara that Migrant Tales wrote about on the same day? Well it looks like the police are concerned about what happened because some groups may be seeking revenge.
We do not know exactly what the police is implying because it is unclear in the story.
What is clear, however, is that some immigrant groups, especially Somalis and Muslims, don’t feel safe in this country. The tragic events that took place over the weekend are extremely troubling.
First we have the crimes that caused the death. What is far worse, however, is the reaction from the politicians, police and a large sector of the public.
Racism has lived in Finland for a very long time. An former schoolmate put it very well in a recent Facebook entry: “If you’ve been asking the same questions for months or even years, yet are still stuck, it’s probably not that you haven’t been given the answers, but that you don’t like the answers you were given.”
And adds: “It takes a lot of courage to admit that something needs to change, and a lot more courage still, to accept the responsibility for actually changing it.”
Poliisi pelkää koston kierrettä Espoon Leppävaarassa perjantaina tapahtuneen väkivaltaisen tapon seurauksena. Tutkinnanjohtaja, rikoskomisario Rauli Salonen kertoo Espoon lähipoliisien kautta tulleen tietoa, että nuorten keskuudessa on ilmennyt kostomentaliteettia henkirikoksen vuoksi. Taposta ja sen tekijöistä on liikkunut paljon huhuja, joiden hän sanoo olevan virheellisiä.
So enrique when you are telling that you were spreading hatred and wrong info?
Its clear that you did, you are responsible if anything happens.
You really should rethink that you should believe your “somali informants”.
2 posts with fucked up info…. When you are saying youre sorry about spreading rumours?
What rumors? Migrant Tales revealed that in both cases they were Somalis.
Do you know how journalism works? Let me explain it to you again. You hear both sides of the stories and then you ask an authority, in this case the police, to confirm what has been said.
That is being thorough.
Rumors about “group of finns” and “chainsaw”. Both lies.
And both of those lies from your “somali informants”
Police Detective Superintendent Hannu knows ALL!!. Hi guy, get lost in your forest!!
eyeopener, enrique lied and whats your problem?
Millon enrique muuttaa noi huhupuheeseen perustuvat vihaa uhkuvat tekstinsä?
Nyt ainakin pitäisi tietää että sinun somalit valehtelivat.
“Poliisi haluaa katkaista siivet monenlaisilta huhuilta….Yksi huhuista on ollut se, että tappoon olisi osallistunut useita tekijöitä. Tämä ei pidä paikkaansa, painottaa Salonen.”
So enrigue, when you stop spreading rumours? I see that you havent changed your original article. Its in big bold letters there that “after he was beaten to death [by a group of Finns]”.
cba to check if you removed chainsaw from other post, i assume you havent because youre not after truth.
hmm, where is the original article?
The original article, Andy, is right under your nose. I put links. I did not quote another daily but from my own sources.
what is the rumour the Hannu is talking about