National Coalition Party (NCP) MP and chairperson of the constitutional committee, Heikki Vestman, is making a name for himself by promoting xenophobia. In a previous post, Migrant Tales published how Vestman was using Islamophobia and bullying tactics to gain attention and power.
His rhetoric has turned him into one of the main anti-immigration ideologues of the NCP. He is in the same shameless league as his NCP partner, Atte Kaleva.

MP Heikki Vestman is one of the leading anti-immigration ideologues of the NCP. Read the full story here.
Vestman, who also chaired the immigration committee in the government’s program negotiations, washes his hand by stating that the tightening of immigration policy is to bring our laws in line with other Nordic countries.
That assertion is debatable. Migration Institute researcher Erna Bodström compares the changes to East Europe rather than other Nordic countries.
In his usual anti-immigration style, where Vestman sees himself as a savior of our Nordic way of life, he believes that the tightening of the citizenship act will help “integrate” people.
“The citizenship act encourages people to settle in Finland, learn the language, acquire basic knowledge of society measured by a citizenship test, follow the rules of the country, and work for their livelihood.”
He continues: “Are these unreasonable requirements to obtain Finnish citizenship? In my opinion, no. They are reasonable and reasonable requirements.”
Thank you for the snow job, Vestman. “Integration” under your values would be synonymous with becoming a rubber stamp of the NCP’s worldview of how migrants become sheep.
In first place, I don’t like the word “integration” (kotoutuminen) but prefer the term “inclusion.” I’ll tell you outright: I hope I never integrate into Finnish society and become like you. I will be a Finn on my own conditions, not yours.
You probably wonder where such strong words come from.
My mother is Finnish. It took this country, about 66 years to recognize that women have the same right as men to pass citizenship to their children. The change happened in 1984.
In the face of what is going on in Finland, I have thought about renouncing my citizenship.
You also speak highly of the citizenship test…Do you think you could pass it?
In my opinion, the only reason why this anti-immigration government wants to make citizenship harder has nothing to do with “integration.” It has all to do to retard people from participating as equals in this society and vote against politicians like yourself.
What the difference is between the NCP and the Perussuomalaiset (PS)*?
One person said that the difference is the closet. One part is racist but in the closer why the other one, the PS, let it all hang out.