Migrant Tales publishes on Monday some interesting quotes on the ongoing immigration debate in Finland and elsewhere. If you have some quotes you would like to share with us, please forward them to [email protected]. ET
Immigration policy was criticized last autumn by German Chancellor Angela Merkel. She said that the attempt to build a multicultural society in Germany had failed. The statement is odd since this type of [integration] policy has never been practiced in Germany nor even in many other countries. Pasi Saukkonen, Helsingin Sanomat
Maahanmuuttopolitiikkaa arvioi viime syksynä myös Saksan liittokansleri Angela Merkel. Hän totesi, että yritys rakentaa Saksaan monikulttuurinen yhteiskunta on epäonnistunut. Väite oli outo, sillä tällaista politiikkaa ei ole koskaan harjoitettu Saksassa eikä useimmissa muissakaan maissa.
Gathering from the ongoing debate (on immigration), it seems that immigrants are trying to rush into Finland through doors and windows. In reality we have the seventh lowest number of immigrants in Europe. Iltalehti
Julkisen keskustelun perusteella voisi luulla, että maahanmuuttajia tunkee Suomeen ovista ja ikkunoista. Todellisuudessa täällä on Euroopan seitsemäksi vähiten maahanmuuttajia.
(Thilo) Sarrazin’s* claims (on European racial superiority) do not hold water in today’s globalized world. Everyone can see that they are false. The scary matter is that different arguments on race used by those on the fringes of the immigration critical camp can get support. Responsible politicians and citizens should stay clear from these type of racial theories. Tatu Vanhanen, Iltalehti that quotes him from an article he published in Kanava.
(Thilo) Sarrazinin väitteet eivät menesty nykypäivän globalisoituvassa maailmassa. Jokainen voi itse havainnoida ne vääriksi. Pelättävissä kuitenkin on, että maahanmuuttokriittisen keskustelun marginaaleissa myös erilaiset rotuväittämät voivat saada kannatusta. Vastuullisten poliitikkojen ja kansalaisten on syytä sanoutua irti tällaisista rotuopeista. Tatu Vanhanen, Iltalehti
*Thilo Sarrazin, a former member of the executive board and head of the German Bundesbank’s risk control operations, claimed in a book that Turks, Middle Easterners and Africans had lower IQs than Europeans.
The term integration should mean mutual acceptance, respect and equal opportunities. Enrique Tessieri @MigrantTales
Old quote: To govern is to populate. Juan Bautista Alberdi (1810-84), Argentinean statesman who felt that Argentina would never become a prosperous nation with a population of one million that could easily house 50 million people.