Comment: Joensuu-based Karjalainen is a daily that has done a lot of good work to promote good relations between Finns and immigrants living their community. This is commendable from a daily which serves a city that became infamous for its racism from the 1990s. Back then, some local inhabitants wouldn’t even accept that their local basketball team, Kataja, had black basketball players on its starting lineup.
In the opinion-piece below, Karjalainen plays down the Perussuomalaiset (PS) party’s 19.1% victory in the April election. It writes that despite the election victory, Timo Soini’s party is a minority when it comes to severing development aid. The majority of the Finns that voted for the traditional parties disagree with the PS line.
I personally would hope that the Finnish media in the future would write more serious opinion pieces in order to understand what happened on and after April 17. They, if any, played a crucial role in the rise of the PS in Finland.
Some important questions they should ask is if the April election result is a permanent change in Finnish politics or a sign of the times: financial crisis in Europe mixed with weak leadership? Will parties like the PS deflate when the financial crisis subsides? What would happen if Soini were prime minister? How would matters change? Would one term in government force the PS to implode?
Even if the PS have become the biggest party according to a recent poll, very little has changed.
Probably what has changed are people’s dread that Finland will return to the 1930s in a 2010s context.
Do you agree?
Ulkoministeriön tuore tutkimus suomalaisten suhtautumisesta kehitysapuun on hyvin linjassa eduskuntavaalien tuloksen kanssa ja osoittaa poliittisessa demagogiassa tällä hetkellä vallitsevan harhan.
Enrique, you claim that people have islamophobia when they think islam is inflitrating in europe, taking space and in long run taking over. Yet you yourself on the other hand keep thinking and telling PS will take Finland to 30s, its nazis all over! NAZIS! This is what I get when keep reading this blog. You my friend are suffering persufobia for sure.
Now about karjalainen doing good job. I dont know. They rather conviniently forgot that while the number of people wanting more aid to be paid have increased, most people thought Finland was giving away 150 million euros. However the real number was nearly ten times more 1 billion euros. 2% of country’s budget. I wonder what people would say if they knew the real number. thats why I wouldnt ride too much with this survey.
One thing I have always wondered is, why the hell the only thing talked about in development aid is the 0,7% GDP? Like only thing we can do better is just give more money? There has been some critical views about current style development aid but still only thing we hear is the “we need to reach 0,7% gdp!” like thats the only thing we can improve. Development aid has been going around for decades now and results cant be seen. The whole thing so be re-evaluaded from the beginning how to get better results.
Yossie, true we do criticize a lot parties like the PS on Migrant Tales. But let me get something straight: Usually we are speaking of the most extremist wing (Suomen Sisu) of that group. If we look at this group, there is definitely a correlation with the 1930s but in a 2011 context. I also don’t like any group that insults who I am, my history and my rights to be part of society. But then again I may have it all wrong. I may, as you mentioned, be suffering from som PS disorder. Please, Yossie, show me how the PS strengthen and respect my sense of being in Finland.
Why you should have any sense to be in finland, its clear that you hate how it is and how its came to be what it is so you are by definition enemy of state.
You never been finn and you never wanted to be one and you never will be one and thats not fault of finnish society but you, no healthy society want dicease like you in them.
–Why you should have any sense to be in finland, its clear that you hate how it is and how its came to be what it is so you are by definition enemy of state.
Come on Hannu I think you are pushing this a bit too far. All I asked you is to tell your buddies at Homma and Scripta that Finnishness and immigration are much more complex and far-reaching than simple explanations fuelled by hate. For one, no group can be the single guardian or Finnish culture because there are many. But if your goal is to dominate other people and deny them their basic civil rights, then I know where you are coming from.
Hannu, you seem to forget that Enrique has Finnish ancestry. Or shall we deport all Finns back to the Urals too, while we’re at it, and give Pohjola back to the Same?
Hannu is drunk again. You can tell the quality of his contributions according to the time of day when they are posted. It’s a common problem in Finland, especially in the epähikke segment of society.
-“Yossie, true we do criticize a lot parties like the PS on Migrant Tales. But let me get something straight: Usually we are speaking of the most extremist wing (Suomen Sisu) of that group. If we look at this group, there is definitely a correlation with the 1930s but in a 2011 context. I also don’t like any group that insults who I am, my history and my rights to be part of society. But then again I may have it all wrong. I may, as you mentioned, be suffering from som PS disorder. Please, Yossie, show me how the PS strengthen and respect my sense of being in Finland.”
If you talk about Suomen Sisu, SAY SO.
Instead you talk about Perussuomalaiset in very racist tone and then come complaining that it is not ok to “generalize the immigrants”.
martin, anchestry… sure… As you know genetics doesnt exist and you cant just claim to be one if group doesnt accept, thats exactly what enrique has been saying so…
Tiwaz, you old Nazi
The racism is in your head only. Ricky is perussuomalaiskriittinen. Why are you denying his freedom of speech with these racism jibes?
You are the only contributor here who uses a name with obvious Nazi connotations. A name that is used by a self-confessed Nazi on the Stormfront site. You also come here to peddle the agenda of a neofascist group in Finland.
My nick has been already explained, and your unfounded accusations are becoming annoying and old. There are more than one person in internet with same nick, and I for one have never visited Stormfront nor have any knowledge on whatever group you speak of.