We hear over and over again the same anti-immigration diatribe by politicians like Perussuomalaiset (PS) MP Jussi Halla-aho, who complain constantly about too liberal immigration policy and multiculturalism.
PS MP Jussi Halla-aho would like to restrict free movement of people in Europe and tighten migration policy if elected Euro MP, according to Swedish-language daily HBL. Read full story here.
Even if the Finnish media and politicians consider Halla-aho near-invincible, he is very vulnerable. What would happen if the PS return to the single-digit-percentage league like before the 2011 parliamentary elections?
Would Halla-aho face the same fate as his ideological soul mate MP James Hirvisaar, who has been largely forgotten by the media after he was sacked from the PS in October?
In the same far-right populist style as other politicians in his dubious group, Halla-aho, who was sentenced for ethnic agitation, whines near-constantly about multiculturalism but does not offer any solutions. He does not give any solutions because he’d lose a lot of support if he did.
Much of the prejudices that Finns house today are parroted by Halla-aho. One of these is his hostility of our cultural and ethnic diversity. If he ever got enough power and backing, it would be only a matter of time when he’d expose his dark side on how to maintain Finland white. He’d suggest something that Dutch anti-immigration extremist Geert Wilders said recently.
Wilders outraged many people in Holland in March and much of the political establishment, including his own party, by telling a crowd of supporters that he would find a way for Holland to have fewer Moroccans.
It’s Halla-aho and his kind that should get with the times. Finland was, is and will be ethnically and culturally diverse.
“Even if the Finnish media and politicians consider Halla-aho near-invincible”
near-invincible? Hah!
“He does not give any solutions because he’d lose a lot of support if he did.”
Lose support?!? What the…?
“…whines near-constantly about multiculturalism but does not offer any solutions. ”
He has a very effective solution. More control, who is allowed to come here. That WOULD solve the problems of immigration.
He is pessimist, but he has all the right to be so.
You, on the other hand, don’t have the right to attack him, attack his personality, making up your lies. It is not civilized, you should know that.
“…it would be only a matter of time when he’d his dark side on how to maintain Finland white.”
His dark side…did your crystal ball just reveal that to you?
“He does not give any solutions because he’d lose a lot of support if he did.”
He offers no solutions? You say that in while commenting on an article where he does give a solution to unwanted immigration. Also he did give solutions in the last election manifest if I recall right. Now, ofcourse these were not the solutions you would like to have, but it does not mean he does not give solutions.
You keep complaining how how finns are prejudice, but how about yourself? You seem to know what Halla-aho would or would not do “if he had power”. Aren’t you just being as prejudice as you blame finns to be? Aren’t you parroting your prejudice same as you claim Halla-aho to do then?