When? 22.-23.3.2012 & 29.-30.3.2012 Where? Otava Folk High School
Journalism and Blog Writing for Immigrants and Finns is a course designed for those who have an interest in journalism/blog writing and who speak English as a second language. The course offers the participant an opportunity to learn reporting and interviewing techniques as well as writing news stories, editorials, and columns. Another important part of the course is to study the role journalism plays in guaranteeing civil liberties such as freedom of expression and furthering acceptance of minorities such as immigrants.
Journalism and Blog Writing for Immigrants and Finns -kurssi on tarkoitettu englantia toisena kielenä puhuville henkilöille, jotka ovat kiinnostuneita vaikuttamaan kirjoittamisen kautta. Kurssilla tutustutaan journalismin maailmaan ja menestyvän blogin rakentamiseen. Haastattelun rakenne, uutisjuttujen kirjoittaminen, pääkirjoitukset ja kolumnit ovat tärkeä osa kurssia. Kurssilla tarkastellaan eettisiä kysymyksiä ja sananvapauden roolia yhteiskunnassa. Opetuskieli kurssilla on englanti.
For further information click here.
“for Immigrants and Finns”?
Are other courses usually just for immigrants or just for “Finns”? If it is for everyone, why this kind of a name? Couldn’t it just be Journalism and Blog Writing (in English).
Hi Seppo, good point but the reason why I put “immigrants and Finns” in the name of the course is because there is great concern in Finland about the general atmosphere and rise of far-right parties. People want to write and take part in the debate. This explains why Migrant Tales has grown rapidly after April 17 and why it will continue growing in the future. Blogs like social movements are, however, mortal. Why don’t you join us?