Comment: Last year’s drop in hate crimes by 15% versus 2009 published by the Police College of Finland raises a lot of questions. How many immigrants take these figures seriously in light of the ever-worsening atmosphere for immigrants and minorities especially after the election in April? In many respects the fall in hate crimes compared with the present situation takes credibility away from the Police College of Finland’s figures.
If hate crimes appear to have risen in Finland, why do we have to wait a whole year to know what happened in such a watershed year like 2011?
While the police has taken a more proactive stance against racism, there is still a lot of work to be done. One issue that the police has not answered is why some immigrants prefer not to report a hate crime or when they are a victim of racist harassment in public?
A story on MTV3 shows that the rights of immigrants when they are victims of a crime is worse than of Finns.
The 15% figure reveals much more than what meets the eye.
Viime viikolla julkaistun tutkimuksen mukaan viharikosten määrä olisi laskenut maassamme 15 prosenttia viime vuonna. Laskua voisi pitää huomattavana ja jopa ilahduttavana kehityksenä, jos siihen voisi uskoa aukottomasti.
So when the statistics dont support your personal view on the matter, they must be wrong? So you go on to claim that all the suddently during this one year so many of the immigrants decided not to report crimes that it lead to the drop of 15% even though the racism was increasing like you claim… everyone just got fed up with it at the same time?
“A story on MTV3 shows that the rights of immigrants when they are victims of a crime is worse than of Finns.”
rights of immigrants…? you got to be kidding me in here. Problems pointed out in the article:
-Lack of networks
-Uncertainty of residence permit
-Not been familiar with finnish legal system
Now.. Are these not the same things finns too suffer when they are abroad? Finns rights are being violated if they dont get to report crimes in finnish when in abroad?
How should we fix these?
Police should offer services in everyones native language. So hundreds of languages must be covered for everyones rights to be met. In similar fashion, I should be able to get my matters solved everywhere I go in full finnish?
Finland must bring all your relatives and friends to Finland so you can have your network too!
Finnish legal system needs to be made similar to where the ever your from!
Really? If you havent figured out. Yes, of course you are in disadvantage if you are an immigrant. You cant expect foreign countries to be like your home country. If you have a problem with it. Maybe you should think of moving back where you came if you cant adapt to a life in a foreign country.
I have been reading this blog quite long time and also some blogs which supports the other side of the immigration. I have come to conclusion that both sides are almost the same, just different sides of the same coin:
Far Right:
– Researches are valid and I trust them as long as they support my believes. If the research doesn’t give the result I except, then there must be something wrong with it.
– There is nothing wrong with natives
– It is ok generalize the whole minority to one group (Somalis are rapist etc.)
– Native culture is better than immigrants / foreigners, no improvement wanted
– Is is far more worse when immigrant / foreigner commits a crime than native
– I only write about the crimes immigrants / foreigners commits in Finland
– The worst threat to the country is immigrants / foreigners / multiculturism
– Immigrants don’t work enough, but also if they are working it is not good either (for example, this janitor case in the news)
– We should close the borders for unwanted (non-white) foreigners, even it would affect to us economically and our reputation
– It is ok to use insulting terms on immigrants / foreigners, because we are better than them
Far Left:
– Researches are valid and I trust them as long as they support my believes. If the research doesn’t give the result I except, then there must be something wrong with it.
– There is nothing wrong with foreigners / immigrants
– It is ok generalize the natives to one group (bald people are racist etc.)
– Foreigner culture is better than natives culture, we need to improve native culture even natives don’t want to change the things
– If immigrant performs a criminal act, it is because of poor integration system in Finland
– I only write about the crimes against immigrants / foreigners. No need to write about the crimes immigrants are doing.
– All negative things happening to immigrants / foreigners is caused by Finnish racism
– There is not enough immigrants working in different sectors. They should hire immigrants even there is a better, native candidate for the job
– We should have open borders for everyone, even it causes problems
– It is ok to use insulting terms on natives, because we are better than them
And list goes on…
Jaakko, are you serious? What is the purpose of this? Too invalidate Migrant Tales by trying to show that we are like Hommaforum and/or Scripta. There are very big differences. For one, we don’t lynch people because they think differently. The word that trouble me on you list are “all.” I never use that word, never mind many other bloggers. I like the word “some.” Many of the things you mention on the list reflect your value judgements, or stereotypes of immigrants.
You have a right to your opinion but I do consider it a low punch to compare Migrant Tales with a bunch of voracious piranha bloggers on Hommaforum and Scripta.
– For one, we don’t lynch people because they think differently.
Maybe I haven’t read Hommaforum enough, but at least those discussion which I have read, don’t seem to support assaulting any people. At least physically.
– The word that trouble me on you list are “all.” I never use that word, never mind many other bloggers.
I do agree that YOU don’t usually use “all”, but actually many of your readers are often referring to all Finns. If they would say “some Finns” then it would be different story.
– , or stereotypes of immigrants.
Can you give an example? Many left- and right wing supporters have very stereotypical views of immigrants, as you probably have noticed.
– You have a right to your opinion but I do consider it a low punch to compare Migrant Tales with a bunch of voracious piranha bloggers on Hommaforum and Scripta.
I do believe that you have a heart in the right place. Believe, about 90% of my friends are immigrants or non-white Finns (including my girlfriend) and I do hope that immigrants would enjoy their lives in Finland. However, sometimes it feels that your are loosing the sight and are actually causing more damage for the case than helping it. Currently you are writing only negative things what are happening to immigrants in Finland and usually you think it caused because of Finns. What about the positive things what happens to them in here? What about the immigrants who are causing problems in Finland? This is just an suggestion but you could also try to cover those stories, not just what are beneficial for you.
Could it be that foreigners don’t dare report crimes because the police explicitly discourages them from doing so, as recently reported by the Ombudsman of minorities? Could it also be because, when they still dare file a report, the police doesn’t do their job? Could it also be because the police forces themselves are filled with racists who look down upon any foreigner who dares file a crime report against a good Finnish citizen?
sure, this is a common known issue not only in Finland.
Hi sweetie and welcome to Migrant Tales. Do you mean hate crimes?