By Enrique Tessieri
The scandal ridden Perussuomalaiset (PS) is saving up for a rainy day if the party “suffers a catastrophic election result,” said PS Foundation chairman, Raimo Vistbacka. YLE’s Ajankohtainen kakkonen revealed that the PS Foundation bought a 1.7-million-euro apartment in one of Helsinki’s most expensive neighborhoods for the party’s headquarters.
“The foundation supports as well district and local party boards,” said Vistbacka, “thus if we suffer a catastrophic election [result] we can continue to be active since the foundation has real estate.”
Another matter that raises questions is that many party members are in the dark about the whole deal and the role of the PS Foundation, which has a five-member board that can make decisions independently.
Taking into account the numerous scandals and polls that have marred the party, veteran PS MP Vistbacka comment raises an interesting question: Is the PS getting ready for a catastrophic election result?
PS chairman Timo Soini said recently that he aims to at least win 1,000 seats in the upcoming municipal election of October 28. The PS won 440 councilpersons in the 2008 municipal election.
At the present rate, such a goal suggested by Soini may be more wishful thinking than anything else.
YLE’s Ajankohtainen kakkonen revealed that the PS Foundation bought a 1.7-million-euro apartment in one of Helsinki’s most expensive neighborhoods for the party’s headquarter
Good morning MT and dear all
Oh, look at them1.7 million euro, WOW
But me a refugee here living like a bird in a cage, i lived in this cage for almost 3 years, with noisy neigbours, racist neighbour,a dark room, small and all the time i just wished sunshine, but i never got it there,all the time was working hard on Finnish language, at work, working for free, voluntary, oh but i could not improve my life, not at all and i received attack, insult, abuse and poverty, sigh sigh
But rich people, they have big houses, sauna, party, sthese proud peopleummer houses close to the lake an driver, no neighbour around these proud people, they cant see other people,they think an dfeel their family is better than other, oh his wife and children should be free but a human, me, alone just try for nothing, for nothing and all the time.
I dont know how how long should i wish my family, how long should wish a rest a comfort an invite for a small party, how long should i wish nature, oh i miss nature, green places, flowers, sunshine, i miss orange trees, i miss my mother face.
U rich people are greedy, u want more and more and more, and there is no end for ur wants and wishes, u made a human like me a slave for ur society for u want more lands and house, more parties and happiness, but HAY u cruel rich man becareful being greedy is not good for ur heart, also ur hair on ur head, and u cant find happiness with money .
Joy and love to the all
MT: “Taking into account the numerous scandals and polls that have marred the party”
More or less scandals than Kokoomus? Most “scandals” of PS are made by media, like Eronen’s case.
Iam: “i lived in this cage for almost 3 years, with noisy neigbours, racist neighbour,a dark room, small and all the time i just wished sunshine”
Many Finns share your experience. After 4 years of suffering I had to move because my neighbours cursed and shouted so much.. And my first apartment was very small, one room and shared a kitchen with two other people.
But we don’t complain. We go forward and work for a better life. Nothing comes free… but some people may enjoy “taikaseinä”.
Iam: “But rich people, they have big houses, sauna, party, sthese proud peopleummer houses close to the lake an driver”
So you envy them? You want their money?
Iam: “U rich people are greedy, u want more and more and more,”
It seems you want more too… nothing wrong with that? Wanting more is what keeps as working. Socialism is not working.
I hope you go forward and get more experience on happy life!!
Yes, like the PS counsillor who announces publicly that a murderer of immigrants should be given a medal. Give us a break, Toni, you’re talking the usual crap!
This reminds me of my native Finnish neighbours a few years ago that used to party till 4 in the morning every couple of weeks. And many times, the party would turn into a fight later in the night between the man and woman, with the woman screaming APUA at one point. That time, I called the police and knocked on the door to make sure she was okay. They did eventually separate. But I’m very suprised with this domestic violence that people don’t seem to call the police.
Altogether I called the police 3 times because of the obvious physical fighting, things being smashed in the flat, thrown down the stairs.
MarK: “like the PS counsillor who announces publicly that a murderer of immigrants should be given a medal.”
He is no longer in PS.
Many similar cases are in many other parties… many counsillors have been kicked out. You just can’t blame all if one does something stupid.
Mark: “This reminds me of my native Finnish neighbours a few years ago that used to party till 4 in the morning every couple of weeks. And many times, the party would turn into a fight later in the night between the man and woman, with the woman screaming APUA at one point. That time, I called the police and knocked on the door to make sure she was okay. They did eventually separate. But I’m very suprised with this domestic violence that people don’t seem to call the police.
Altogether I called the police 3 times because of the obvious physical fighting, things being smashed in the flat, thrown down the stairs.”
This happens a lot. Not just in Finland. Even Tiger Woods had similar fight once…
Many Finns share your experience. After 4 years of suffering I had to move because my neighbours cursed and shouted so much.. And my first apartment was very small, one room and shared a kitchen with two other people
how r u today Toni,
Yes i know that and am wondering why u dont complain?oh me two working for better life but there is not , yes nothing comes free specially when i work for free.
So you envy them? You want their money?
Ha aha ah ha,u missundrestood me, no no nooo, and i dont want their money, i want nothing from them, am not match with them, and i dont want any contact with greedy people.
yes i want more but my more is waht i need it for standard and normal life.
Socialism is not working.
it is working for some foreigners and finns but not for me, and what social system gave me instead what i done was nothing.
hay Toni but whats ur diea about blog? about ….. give me ur hands Toni, come come cooooome, okay about this
YLE’s Ajankohtainen kakkonen revealed that the PS Foundation bought a 1.7-million-euro
apartment in one of Helsinki’s most expensive neighborhoods for the party’s headquarte
Also i am complaining Toni, am not U ,i dont want be quiet when i am suffering an di dont want live in smae situation for a long time, i always want change, want to understand better, want wise, knowledge,…… but for money i just want enough.
And u cant say to me that rich people are working so hard, LOL
Thanks for ur pretty wishes Toni so u know how to be kind, LOL
la la la la la la la
This was not a media created story. The fact he’s kicked out doesn’t change the fact that he was a PS local politician. Similar cases of someone asking for murderers of foreigners to be given medals? I missed them. Care to refresh my memory?
You can’t blame the odd stupid politician, no, or even the odd racist politician. But you were blaming the media! ONLY the Eronen case could be described as ‘media driven’ in the sense that she was not a directly elected official getting into trouble this time, and that ‘satire’ was a very good shield for what seemed pretty a clear case of xenophobia and a justification of racial profiling by the police! Make your own mind up about that one.
Iam: “am wondering why u dont complain?”
Because I have bee tought that study first, do some work and then you have money for apartment you like from an area you like.
Before that you take what is available or what you can afford. Envying and complaining don’t much help. Getting stuff free is not going to drive you, or society, forward.
Do you have a filter in your head that pulls up the shit that blacks do and ignores or dismisses the stuff that whites do? Just saying…funny example, you gave.
When we talk about the high rates of domestic abuse in Finland (whether by men or women), you say it’s not about nationality, conveniently quoting a famous case involving an AMERICAN black man. But when it comes to crime statistics (affected as we know they are by non-reporting), suddenly it is about nationality! Double standards Toni?
And living below the subsistance level doesn’t put you in a position where you can easily get a job either. Actually, all families get ‘free’ benefit for their children, in the way of child allowance. All Finns get ‘free’ health care, even involving very expensive treatments, and it isn’t tested against your lifetime contributions to national insurance, so for many people, especially young people with a serious illness, the treatment is effectively ‘free’.
Hi Mark,
Once my neighbour been so noisy and for a few times i asked her very polite to be quiet, she insulted me
Just short
She complained me to isanointi and then when i wnet to isanointi office with paper they sent me, he insulted me, i wanted talk to his boss,, but his boss insulted me more and isanointi called me terrorist : ))))))))
Can u immagine Mark that how i felt in that day?
Best to u dear Mark and all
Hi I am
It just adds insult to injury, doesn’t it. Disgraceful behaviour! Like anywhere, there are a lot of ignorant folk about.
Mark: “Do you have a filter in your head that pulls up the shit that blacks do and ignores or dismisses the stuff that whites do?”
I don’t see Tiger as a black man in that example. But you obviously see verything is about black people that I write… you just can’t think it any other way.
No, it was a coincidence, wasn’t it Toni, that you drag up an American (what that to do with Finland), and he happened to be black!? Bullshit!
Perhaps this is better… or are they all too “black” here too?
“This study shows that women are more at risk from violence at home than in the street and this has serious repercussions for women’s health,” said Dr LEE Jong-wook, Director-General of WHO at the study release in Geneva.
The study is based on interviews with more than 24 000 women from rural and urban areas in 10 countries: Bangladesh, Brazil, Ethiopia, Japan, Namibia, Peru, Samoa, Serbia and Montenegro, Thailand, and the United Republic of Tanzania”
I was just trying to make a point that, even we have domestic violence, we have it less than most other places.. Tiger Woods just popped up in my mind as a case outside Finland. Nothing colorful, just an incident. You remember that Tiger was a victime there and her WHITE wife was the one with the club in her hands… 😉
So, Toni, when are you going to accept that this statement was plainly false?
Rautio, Hirvisaari, Hakkarainen, Immonen, Pyysalo, Putkonen, Eronen, Oinonen, Eerola, Viinikainen, Van Wonterghem, Okkonen, Niikko, and Allah-oho have all been in the media because of fascist comments or links, rabid homophobia, or because they have broken Finnish laws.
It’s a long list, isn’t it, and it gets longer by the month!
You’ve some bloody nerve trying to blame the media for PS’s public relations disasters!
Why don’t you link to some Finnish stuff, Toni? There’s plenty of it.
Mark: “So, Toni, when are you going to accept that this statement was plainly false?”
That was my opinion at that time. I haven’t been following them so close. Let’s change the word “most” to word “many”. And now to “some”.
Halla-aho was quite right what he said. Hirvisaari too. Case Eronen was also innocent. Other cases I am not familiar..
Mark: “Why don’t you link to some Finnish stuff, Toni? There’s plenty of it.”
Yes but why? It would be idiotic.. Linking Finnish cases doesn’t show it exists in other countries too, even more than here. Right? Showing cases from other countries is the way to show they have it too. But difficult to say where is less and where is more… I can only say my opinion.
Mark: “It’s a long list, isn’t it, and it gets longer by the month!”
Also Katainen, Stubb, Kanerva,… almost every week braking laws, saying something stupid, etc.
They broke Finnish laws. Whether you disagree with those laws or not is irrelevant. I could disagree with the rights of property ownership, but that doesn’t mean I should go out and steal to illustrate my point! What kind of fool does that? A PS fool, that’s what.
There were ways to criticize laws against racism without having to break them.
I would say only one case illustrated that the media could be selective in their reporting to hype the story, and that was Eronen, but I still think there was a story there. And if there wasn’t, why were PS Parliamentary Party calling for her to be sacked and then suspended Hirvisaari for ignoring them? Seems they thought it was a pretty serious lapse of judgement. So even Eronen belongs on the list, in my view.
So, no ‘some’, now about NONE ‘made by the media’! Come on Toni, let’s get on the same page, you are almost there!
Well, breaking laws is not in the same bracket as ‘saying something stupid’, and also I would say that homophobia, Islamaphobia, racism, and hate speech are not merely ‘saying something stupid’.
They have consequences for the immigrants living in this country in how they are treated and viewed. But who cares about the innocent, Toni? Who fucking cares?
As long as the PS can win a few political points. Who cares if innocent people are viewed as criminals, rapists, terrorists, welfare scroungers, even though you have a job or are looking for a job, and don’t fit any of those categories, which is the case for the vast vast vast majority of immigrants. It’s called stigmatization, Toni, and many commentators here actively promote it.
Innocent immigrants, whose reputations are dragged through the shit by these fuckers so they can score political points! Disgraceful.
And you have the cheek to tell me that it’s the fucking media’s problem!!!!!!
Hi Toni.
What the heck are you doing?? All these evidences?? What is the relevance of this for Finland. Run out of arguments??
I am: Good morning MT and dear all
Oh, look at them1.7 million euro, WOW
But me a refugee here living like a bird in a cage, i lived in this cage for almost 3 years, with noisy neigbours, racist neighbour,a dark room, small and all the time i just wished sunshine, but i never got it there,all the time was working hard on Finnish language, at work, working for free, voluntary, oh but i could not improve my life, not at all and i received attack, insult, abuse and poverty, sigh sigh
But rich people, they have big houses, sauna, party, sthese proud peopleummer houses close to the lake an driver, no neighbour around these proud people, they cant see other people,they think an dfeel their family is better than other, oh his wife and children should be free but a human, me, alone just try for nothing, for nothing and all the time.
I dont know how how long should i wish my family, how long should wish a rest a comfort an invite for a small party, how long should i wish nature, oh i miss nature, green places, flowers, sunshine, i miss orange trees, i miss my mother face.
U rich people are greedy, u want more and more and more, and there is no end for ur wants and wishes, u made a human like me a slave for ur society for u want more lands and house, more parties and happiness, but HAY u cruel rich man becareful being greedy is not good for ur heart, also ur hair on ur head, and u cant find happiness with money .
Joy and love to the all
Strange how these guys are living fat by bashing us immigrants to the ground, life has already bashed us and now we get constant bashing by these guys, life isn’t fair.
Reading M.T blog day to day ive come to realizatin that P.S attracts very very Stupid people to vote for them, they’re easy to manipulate and brainwash, they’re the P.S goat.
D4R Perussuomalaiset ovat enemmänkin sekasikiö. Siellä on maahanmuuttokriitikoita, nykypolitiikkaan tympääntyneitä ja Eu kriitikoita. Maahanmuutto vastainen siipi on helposti se rasistinen ja kaikista äänekkäin. He ovat outoja koinpoikasia. Eivät uskalla perustaa omaa rasistista puoluetta vaan ovat perussuomalaisten pesässä. On melkein ihme, että perussuomalaiset ovat vielä pystyssä. Puoluen olisi pitänyt hajota jo monta kertaa.
Hyvä Soini kun pidät koinpoikasia kyydissä. He tulevat vetämään veneen karille.
Joten toivokaamme, että Soini joko poistuu johdosta tai hän perustaa oman puolueen.
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RL 17:10
Eronen’s new text. I like the last line.. A lot of comments already.
Hi Toni. You didnot need to state that. We knew already a long time ago. Does your boss know also??
Maybe would could inform your organization what kind of employee they employ. Oh yeah. You also did voluntary work.
What’s your option with working with foreigners. Get they to leave??
Monkey business again.
Penauts 🙂