Comment: Here is an example how a few or too many bad apples can ruin the reputation of a town with hate crimes. claims that as many as half of all hate crimes in Pohjois-Karjala region are made in Lieksa, a small sleepy town of 12,670 people were 220 immigrants live. Most of the foreigners in Lieksa are from Somalia. Of the 62 hate crimes last year 29 were made in Lieksa, according to
Migrant Tales has been reporting on the constant harassment of refugees in Lieksa. On Sunday an undisclosed number of Finns with knives attacked three Somalians.
A Joensuu-daily Karjalainen writes Tuesday: ”Believe me, the one who commits a hate crime is no hero but brings great shame on you, your relatives and to the whole town.”
Lieksa has become a visible dark spot on the Finnish map.
Rasismi on keskittynyt Pohjois-Karjalassa tilastojen mukaan vahvasti Lieksaan. Kaupungissa asuu alle kymmenesosa maakunnan asukkaista, mutta rasistiseksi epäillyistä rikoksista siellä tehdään peräti puolet. Poliisin mukaan maakunnan rikoksista 62:ssa oli viime vuonna rasistinen motiivi. Niistä 29 tehtiin Lieksassa.