This picture below really bothers me at the wall of the Mikkelin Klubi. located 230km north of the capital Helsinki. Considering what Nazi Germany called the “Final Solution,” the genocide committed against the Jews, Roma and other enemies of the Nazi regime, you may rightly ask what this picture is doing on the wall.
Finland has tactful explanations for a lot of thing, even for a mass murderer like Heinrich Himmler drinking with Carl Mannerheim. Some, familiar with the picture below, will brush the episode aside and claim that it is history, nothing more, nothing less.
They may add that Mannerheim didn’t want to drink a schnapps with Himmler. They may even point to General Waldemar Erfruth’s “stunned” expression in the picture as a sign of rejection.
While the picture may portray “history” it does so without context and without reminding us of the crimes against humanity carried out by Himmler and the Nazi regime. Himmler, a chicken farmer before becoming a faithful servant of the Nazi regime, is the very person that set up the death camps for the total annihilation of the Jews of Europe.
Some six million Jews perished as a result.
The picture below, in my opinion, encourages denial and clouds his abhorrent crimes.
Is it only history or is it a grotesque example of history and our complicity in it?
You forgot “we dont have jew problem” and jewish tent for their celebration next to german garrison.
You forgot jews who fought for finland and refused any german medals.
“Rautaristi ja Suomen juutalaiset
Kolmelle Suomen armeijassa palvelleelle juutalaiselle myönnettiin rautaristi. Yksi heistä oli lääkintämajuri Leo Skurnik, toinen kapteeni Salomon Klass ja kolmas lottana palvellut Dina Poljakoff. Kaikki tosin kieltäytyivät ottamasta kunnianosoitusta vastaan.[2][3]”
And finnish jews and muslims fought with us.