What motivates a young man to take the law in his own hands and kill indiscriminately defenseless people? While we still don’t know the motives behind the killings in Hyvinkää, the suspect’s “likes” on Facebook may offer us some clues.
Writes YLE in English: ”Police in the town of Hyvinkää, some 50km north of Helsinki, say a young man dressed in military fatigues began shooting with a rifle from the roof of a building in the city centre at 1:53am Saturday…
An 18-year-old woman was killed. Another victim, a 19-year-old man, died later in a hospital. Seven other people have been hospitalised with gunshot wounds, including a 23-year-old woman police trainee, who has critical injuries.”
Human rights activist and writer, Jussi K. Niemelä, states that the suspect’s “likes” on Facebook suggest the usual far-right ideology. Some of the suspect’s “likes” include the anti-immigration Perussuomalaiset party, Bundeswher, the German Defense Force, and Simo Häyhä, a Finnish sniper nicknamed “White Death” by the Red Army during the Winter War (1939-40).
Some have called the gunman Finland’s Anders Breivik, who killed 77 victims in Norway.
While we have to wait for the final report by the police to know the killer’s probable motives, one matter is certain: The attack was senseless and reveals the illness that has inflicted our society today. It is the same ogre that we saw kill innocent victims in Jokela and Kauhajoki.
Migrant Tales offers its heartfelt condolences to the families of the victims.
Well Well, im not surprised at all, after the massive votes received by P.S i kinda had a bad feelings in my gut that, something like this would occure, i mean cmon guys lets be honest, if the natives gave votes to a nazis and elected them to the parties, what would you expect inside the country to be like, peace and harmony? oh no no, think again, these kind of incidents will increase, mark my word on it, only those native Finns who voted these people will only have to blame themselves at the end of the day.
Hi D4R, we need more love than hate. Far-right populist ideology is a sickness that causes tragedies.
Nice sensationalist title. Hyperbolize much?
>While we still don’t know the motives behind the killings in Hyvinkää
Then don’t speculate or you just end up looking stupid.
Hi Lyra, journalism is not about parroting what official sites say. It’s asking questions and bringing forth views that for some reason are not being shown or debated.
If you bring information that hasn’t been confirmed by the police as in the Hyvinkää killings, it is fair to mention that such views are unconfirmed. We understand this distinction well on Migrant Tales. What do you think the gunman’s “likes” on Facebook say about him?
Welcome to Migrant Tales.
Enrique: Hi D4R, we need more love than hate. Far-right populist ideology is a sickness that causes tragedies.
Hi Enrique, easy said than done, first of all,the leaders should stop being a bad example to the citizens, they need to stop making racism as a normal thing, and citizens need to carefully watch who they vote to the parliament
True D4R, we need examples. These far-right groups that prey on people’s ignorance and fear end up being consumed by their hatred. Why do you think some politicians like Halla-aho, Hirvisaari and others are so quiet these days? Why don’t they, or can’t, let out that good old Islamophobia that brought them such infamy?
Because they are the prisoners of their own rhetoric. Even if they wanted to, they will always be linked to what they wrote. The only way they can make a clear break from them is by apologizing to those people they insulted.
En Persu igen!
Hyym mielenkiintoisaa tietyssä mielessä. En nyt ehkä vetäisi viivoja Breivikkiin vaikka yhtäläisyyksiä voi olla. Taas kerran individuallistinen murhaaja. Katotaan aikooko kukaan julistautua irti tästä veriteosta niin kuin värillisten ja muslimien tekemissä teoissa tapahtuu.
Hi MT, all
So sad, so so sad.
Rip, rip
Sigh, thats so sad
Its like a horror film
Ah am so sorry
Wish comfort for their family
Sending hugs for them, we r one big family here
Harmony and peace of mind to the all and dear Finland
ur alone child in Helsinki 🙁
ow very sad, iam sending my condolence to the families and friends of the victims. This is a tragedy that affects all of us. But I remembered when i heard this bad news the rhetorics of the PS and those who ´´likes´´ on murderer face book, were inflicted the PS idealogy Such
as ´´ MP Jussi Halla-aho (PS) wrote on Facebook that Greece would need a military regime to suppress protests
with tanks´´. and ´´Municipal Council Member Tommi Rautio (PS) wrote on Facebook that a medal should be given to the man who shot at immigrant men in a pizzeria
in Oulu.´´ That some people ´´Liked´´ on their facebook comments and this is the same again.
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Olet kyllä oikeassa, että perussuomalaisten syyttäminen tästä on tyhmää ja asiatonta koska perussuomalaisilla ei ollut arpaa tässä pelissä.
Hahaha so now I’m getting censored by you, who are eager to flame other people as nazis? Pathetic. Just remove the comments which don’t agree with your agenda, that’s the true spirit of Migrant Nazi Tales!
I noticed you used the C word in the post that got removed. I’m not one bit surprised you got censored. Perhaps if you hadn’t used that word you would have been okay with your comment. Just saying! I suppose you would call the Guardian, Telegraph or the BBC Nazis as well for imposing exactly the same community standards?
Guess what? You’re not bbc, guardian nor telegraph. Also, it’s a bit silly to say that, specially since this was written above;
“journalism is not about parroting what official sites say. It’s asking questions and bringing forth views that for some reason are not being shown or debated.”
So for some reason you don’t want to debate on the fact you are dancing on the graves of this tragedy by turning it into a political weapon. Also, atleast my keyboard includes a backspace key, which moderator could use to filter out the words he/she is afraid of (isn’t that a ridiculous consept, adults being afraid of words? reminds me of george carlin’s seven words..) instead of nuking the whole post. But yeah, you better bury the thread quickly before more people chimes in and agrees with me.
there is nothing wrong in have community standards, and I think that slagging off Migrant Tales for that is really rather silly and pointless. Just write what you want to write without using the foul language. It’s not difficult mate!
No-one is afraid of words – the point is keeping some kind of respect in the debate.
It is quite normal for the press (and blogs are part of this new media) to explore issues of a mass murderer’s personal profile and to ask questions about what might have ‘radicalised’ this person into this kind of action. If there were no political overtones to his Facebook pages, then it’s fair to say it’s irrelevant. It’s not even clear how relevant it is even if he put Nazism as his favourite ideology, but I think that it’s also fair to say that we would probably speculate that such a passion for that ideology would almost certainly inform his values.
How personal values relate to political values is an extremely important topic, relevant especially in Finland now that PS have nearly 20% support on the back of bashing immigration.
It is a standing joke on Reddit that whenever a story touches on Finland that the comments on that story will eventually get around to glorifying the ‘white death’ sniper and celebrating Finnish Sisu. The fact that this happens again and again says a lot about how Finns see the media and Finland’s reputation in the media. That this young lad also buys into this reputation doesn’t say a lot in my book, but it’s all the little pieces together than start to make something perhaps outside this ordinary Finnish machismo, i.e. PS, Bundeswehr and Häyhä (White Death), the famous Finnish sniper. The link is military and Far Right! Now isn’t that just a little bit suspicious in your book?
I hardly think it’s redneck to see that very obvious link. Of course, this killer is not representative of all PS supporters, but at what point do PS take some responsibility for the fact that allowing fascists and racists into their own ranks is inevitably going to be seen to give a legitimacy to this kind of bare-knuckle, jackboot ideology that has violence as its bedfellow?
You know, there’s a reply button that you can use, you don’t have to start a new thread everytime.
“No-one is afraid of words – the point is keeping some kind of respect in the debate.”
That’s a bit hard, since you’re certainly not respecting people’s intelligence by posting crap where you fantasize about slaughters done in the name of nazis- sorry, I ment PS of course – to somehow justify your elitist attitude with grossly over interpreted bs. Where have I seen this before? Oh yeah, probably on enenews.com, the place for clueless anti-nuclear fearmongerers. Only difference is, you get your kicks out of racism.
You are so fixed with the idea of racism, so you are seeing it everywhere, and it’s the motivation for everything. Personally, I think it’s more interesting that all around europe, each party opposed to euro (and banksters) are being tagged in media as racists. Coincidence?
Also, all the credibility of this site crumbles down while you make accusations like that against parties (you know, claming them to be nazis or whatever retarded thing comes out of your mouth, sorry, keyboard), while retreating like a little whiny c-word you are, behind words “it’s just speculation”. No, it’s just your attitude and your twisted world, which unfortunately draws in the less informed public which are too lazy to get facts straight themselves without reading your colored (pun intended) version.
Simo Häyhä is a national hero, why shouldn’t he be? What the hell is wrong with that?
“I hardly think it’s redneck to see that very obvious link.”
and here we go, the circle is complete! First it was just speculation, and how you claim it as a obvious link. Funny how that thing works! PS shouldn’t take any responsibility over this, any more than you should. You really have no frickking idea what you are talking about. Go get some medication.
The replies only go to one level.
Exploring the link between a mass killer’s political values, love of military and weapons is hardly ‘fantasizing’, especially if it takes information directly from his Facebook pages.
So your view of ‘lack of respect’ is posting something that YOU think lacks intelligence!
Look, you’ve got the needle because Migrant Tales pointed out that the killer had expressed a liking for Far Right ideology and for military (German military at that). I really don’t see what your grumble is. Are you really saying these things are totally irrelevant?
The rest of your post was pathetic ranting with little or no useful point.
If you read my post in full, you would have noticed that I said that not all PS supporters are radicalised extremists, but my point was that it’s just a little bit funny how PS gets tied so often to those that are, one way or another!
I’m not surprised your writhing about the fact being pointed out, but it is a fact.
“Are you really saying these things are totally irrelevant?”
Yeah, pretty much. You see, at that age the military service is pretty much obligatory. Ofcourse you are interested of military stuff at that age, naturally, since about a year of your life revolves around it. I suppose by “far right ideology” you mean PS, which again is just making assumptions. PS happens to be only party in Finland against the euro, and if one happens to oppose Euro, you don’t have that many options.
I’m just saying, there really ARE other reasons which could have led him to push the “like” button, such as unfair treatment of PS by finnish media (outright lying etc), and since the finnish mentality is to be on the side of oppressed, I can very easily see circumstances which have led him to click those “likes” in facebook. Those reasons really doesn’t need to be ones you wish them to be, and that part is just pure speculation based on your OWN attitudes, and that is my grudge.
You just don’t know, you don’t have the facts, but that doesn’t stop you from making comparisons with breivik etc.
Speculation over some more speculation, and now it’s “obvious” that a political party should do some sort of public apology?!
Really? That’s your argument?
The guy is still alive, so if he’s as messed up as breivik, it will come out along his motives or political ideas (somehow, I think you’ll be disappointed).. Right now, the most obnoxius thing to do is exactly this; making up headlines and connections which MAY or MAY NOT be there. How about if you wouldn’t connect your imaginary dots just yet, but wait for what the guy has to say for himself?
So, a man goes on a shooting rampage, shooting what was it, 9 people, killing two, critically wounding another and hospitalizing several more and you think that it’s irrelevant that this person appears to have been interested in the German military (despite being a Finn), snipers, Far Right ideology? Pull the other one, Jouko, it’s got bells on it!
We don’t know anything about his ‘military service’. If he was in any way obviously dysfunctional then it’s likely he wouldn’t have done it anyway. You are assuming a lot, me thinks.
I see, so when we talk about Far Right parties in Finland, you choose to define PS as being ‘a party against the Euro’, while forgetting to mention this is a party that in the last couple of years alone has been in the headlines variously for racism, homophobia, rape, fascist comments etc. The list is getting longer by the week: Rautio, Hirvisaari, Hakkarainen, Immonen, Pyysalo, Putkonen, Eronen, Oinonen, Eerola, Viinikainen, Van Wonterghem, Okkonen, Niikko, and Allah-oho. But hey, you want to tell the world that PS really are just a party that oppose the Euro?! What planet was that?….
That’s a fair point, but when you put it next to his liking of the German Military, it’s starts to look a pretty weak argument.
You are joking right? PS are oppressed? Dear oh dear oh dear!
Okay, let’s see what facts we do have. He likes Far Right ideologies, he likes military stuff, he likes German military history and he just happens to have killed some people randomly – any similarity with Breivik? Well, you have to admit, there are the suggestions. Clearly he’s not a Breivik though, in scale, scope or probably motivation. However, the very legitimate question that comes out of this is how young Finnish men become radicalised by extreme military ideologies to the point where they go on killing sprees. That appears to be too uncomfortable a question for you to ask. You say we don’t have the facts, but you’ve attempted to water down exactly the facts that we do have – the facebook like, the position of PS as a Far Right party in Finnish politics, and the role of his interest in German and Finnish military. None of these things taken alone or even together MAKE someone a killer, but some of these things might make a killer more likely to feel justified in killing.
You could argue that a killer will just kill and that it’s in their nature and it has nothing to do with their upbringing, or their interests or values, or their political indoctrination or any radicalisation that they have been exposed to, but I would say that you will get absolutely nowhere with that argument.
No, it’s not my argument, but I can see quite clearly why you would like to present it as if it was. I think that PS should just stop and think what kind of road they are going down with their anti-Islam, anti-immigration, military/nationalistic rhetoric. That’s all. I doubt that we will see PS take any responsibility, even if Finland did produce its own Breivik and he spouted, just like Breivik, a liking for the writings of Halla-oho! No-one takes responsibility but at the same time, no-one comes out and accepts that stoking the fires of the immigration debate or promoting a modern ‘national socialism’ would have any negative consequences whatsoever. I mean, was Nazism just an accident, the killings and the butchering of all opposition? It didn’t have anything at all to do with the ideology of superiority or the importance of nationalism and militarism? The Holocaust had nothing to do with the vilification of a religious grouping, it was just an accident that it happened to be Jews, gypsies and other ‘undesirable’ minorities sent to the gas chambers?
I’ve no problem with that. But I’ve also no problem with the media exploring what information there is out there about this man and what kind of picture that gives. The Police in Finland are notoriously tight-lipped when it comes to giving any public information in murder cases. But the fact is, the public want answers now – the events are still raw and people want to know what happened and why.
I think you are being too quick to dismiss or rather condemn this link between an interest in the military and the Far Right. To any level-headed person, it’s obvious that these would be highly relevant facts. You obviously have your own agenda slagging off Migrant Tales. But it really doesn’t wash, all this fake outrage!
“irrelevant that this person appears to have been interested in the German military (despite being a Finn), snipers, Far Right ideology?”
Yeah, I’m still saying that. I was interested in german military, many of my friends were (and still are) interested in it, but we haven’t killed anyone. Being interested in german military doesn’t necessarily mean what you seem to think it does. And that’s my point which you are failing to understand, and I’m starting to think your stupidity is deliberate, not accidental.
“I see, so when we talk about Far Right parties in Finland, you choose to define PS as being ‘a party against the Euro’, while forgetting to mention this is a party that in the last couple of years alone has been in the headlines variously for racism, homophobia, rape, fascist comments etc”
No, you don’t see.
I know this is a very hard consept for you to understand, but a complex structures as a political party has many sides. One of those features is anti-euro, such as it is to oppose unmanaged immigration etc. Now, you say that I chose to present them to you as a “party against euro”. Even you’re not that stupid, that you would understand me saying that’s all they are. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX I didn’t present to you anything, I just mentioned a feature that is also contained within the party.
Also, each and every one of those incidents that you mentioned have been very entertaining, mostly because of the biased and sometimes outright lying media. Obviously you have sand in your vagina against PS, but I’m just going to skip that childish whining. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX PS is going to get even more votes next time.
“However, the very legitimate question that comes out of this is how young Finnish men become radicalised by extreme military ideologies to the point where they go on killing sprees.”
So, basically you’re saying it’s Finnish goverment’s fault that young men are put into military and being trained on the arts of killing?
“I mean, was Nazism just an accident, the killings and the butchering of all opposition?”
I’m starting to think that Hitler was an underachiever. Should have killed them all, Adolf! Niggers, kinks, whites, everybody in the oven!
I’d like to finish by saying that with your hatespeech really makes a difference, I actually just laughed how you used your nazicards all over the place. Fuck it, Halla-aho isn’t a nazi, but you are. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Yeah, I’ll definitely be voting for PS next time, thank you Migration Tales & Mark for making this to happen with your irrational random bullshit. I’ll be laughing, giving heil hitlers and raping all the way to the voting booth.
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The question is what was the nature of that interest. It could be harmless, an interest in history, or it could equally be part of an interest in the Far Right and neo-Nazism. Denying the possibility of this seems to me to be quite blatantly sticking your head deep into the brown earth!
It’s not hard to understand at all. You are stating the blitheringly obvious. The fact that you decided that his interest in PS may have merely reflected his ‘opposition to the Euro’ seems pretty far fetched given that he is 18, obviously obsessed with guns, killers, the military and the Far Right. If you are attempting to create a harmless picture of his interest in these things, you fail totally to explain the fact he went out and cold bloodedly murdered several people and injured many more.
This is the salient point you are not willing to address in any way simply because it forces you, probably as a supporter of PS, to face the uncomfortable fact that radical politics can produce radicalised youths. If you throw the military dimension into that radicalisation then it’s clear to see its obvious dangerous potential. Breivik reflects one obvious representation of that militantism coupled with fascism, but this killing may well reflect another. It is early to tell, but they remain legitimate questions to ask, regardless of your panting and ranting.
I’m reminded of Eronen’s posing in Facebook with her Eidelweiss cap badge and her subsequent tasteless comments about wearing armbands. Coincidence? Funny how these coincidences just keep piling up! Your willingness to joke about these things shows your youthful complacency. Maybe a trip to Auschwitz would blunt that arrogance of yours. Or are you a holocaust denier as well?
Where am I saying that? For most, it is harmless enough, but for a very small minority, it cannot be a good thing, but it’s a difficult matter to screen the young men for that kind of psychopathic or sociopathic tendency. Clearly, for some people, they are more vulnerable to acting out on the negatives of these things, whether it’s an ideological persuasion built on hatred or a militantism or military training.
Hatespeech? tut tut. And who do I hate exactly? The reference to Nazism is relevant given his interest in German military and his support for a Far Right group like PS. Of course, you are one of those naive bums that doesn’t admit for a second that Persu has been attracting any extremists or Nazis into its ranks. It’s all just coincidences and accidents!
So, your literal use of the “c-word” is your not-so-clever attempt to flout the rules and maintain your right to disrespect other posters and be obnoxious to the extreme. I’m pretty sure the moderators won’t tolerate that. Let’s see what happens.
–Yeah, I’ll definitely be voting for PS next time, thank you Migration Tales & Mark for making this to happen with your irrational random bullshit. I’ll be laughing, giving heil hitlers and raping all the way to the voting booth.
The last person who said this was Allan.
Splendid example of epähiket logic.
Sociopaths tend to support PS
My friends support PS
My friends have not displayed sociopathic behaviour (yet)
Therefore PS does not attract sociopaths
Giggle giggle, farting noises, improbatur
Yeah, I’ll definitely be voting for PS next time, thank you Migration Tales & Mark for making this to happen with your irrational random bullshit. I’ll be laughing, giving heil hitlers and raping all the way to the voting booth
Jouko Maksimainen
Dont shy please u can say love u PS with loud voice
LOL so u will voting them and it will not be ur mistake.
R u agree with PS? If u r not, nothing can makes u to voting them.
What r u doing when u feel angry in u? r u jump in the risk and u will say thats not my fault?
Becareful please, more and more
We, only we have responsibility for our decisions and ways.
Hi and Good night to Mt, u Jouko and all