In a historic decision on Thursday, the Pirkanmaa District Court banned the neo-Nazi Nordic Resistance Movement (Pohjoismainen vastarintaliike, PVL) with links to far-right groups in the Nordic region, according to YLE in English. PVL is a racist hate group that aims to do away with Nordic democracy and replace it with national socialism.
The district court based its decision to ban the neo-Nazi PVL because it “flagrantly violated the principles of good practice.”
Writes YLE in English: “The court ruled that it was a violent group that exhorted followers and members to violent acts. The court said that the group was not entitled to freedom of speech protections as its actions violated the human rights of others.”
One of the latest cases of violence by the PVL is its member Jesse Torniainen, sentenced to two years in prison for aggravated assault.
Jimi Karttunen died at the age of 28 in 2016 after he received a furious kick in the chest from PVL member Jesse Torniainen. Cartoon by Sira Moksi.