The Supermen
DH was detained on Sunday by the police in Pori and his fiancée, who is eight weeks pregnant, claims that the police set up a trap for her partner.
“We asked the police on the phone if they could read the decision [by the district court],” she said. “They said we had to go to the police station to get the answer. When we went there, they detained DH.”
According to DH’s fiancée, the second rejection for asylum was received so late that there was no time to appeal the decision to the supreme district court.
DH’s fiancée is a graphic artist. This painting by her is called “Waiting for you.”
“The police in Pori treated DH and my family in a very rude and racist manner,” she said. “His rights were breached. He was forced to undress and not allowed to make any phone calls or take visits [while in Pori].”
DH was sent to Turku the following morning on Monday where she said they treated them better.
“In Turku the police allowed us to see each other and we hugged and kissed when we met,” she continued. “In Pori, I wasn’t allowed to see DH and the police used latex gloves when they spoke to us.”
DH’s fiancée said that her partner was physically dragged on the floor by the police and physically restrained in Pori. DH had tried to get possession of his Iraqi passport from the police, which was for him a passport to death [since it meant he could be deported to Iraaq],” according to her.
She said that her future husband had complained to her about the police’s racist treatment in Pori. “They just treated us coldly and my husband said that they told him to go back to where he came from.”
If the police and Migri have their way, DH will be deported back to Iraq within two weeks.
“I guess they might have been worried that DH could do something bad to himself since he once climbed a high tower as a protest against how his case was being handled by Migri [Finnish Immigration Service],” she added. “But he’s been fine for six months and hasn’t had to see a psychiatrist. We found happiness in each other and my two children at home call him ‘daddy.'”
DH’s future wife said he has an excellent relation with her parents. Her father cries all the time because of what happened, she added.
DH’s fiancée said that from a Finnish point of view, the police and immigration authorities treat asylum seekers with disrespect and would care less if they send them to die in Iraq. People are forced to wait for many months for a decision from Migri if they can live in or not in Finland.
“They even force Finnish citizens like me to leave the country,” she said. “This is so nerve-racking and unfair!”
She said that people can live peacefully together even if they are from different cultures and religions.
“DH’s father was a Sunni and her mother was a Shia Muslim,” she concluded. “The Shias killed his father and Isis killed his brother.”
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So assault police and think how they are pissed about you….
And you intternetnetsi support finnish racist police !
Who do you think Finnish polices are? some robots with empty head, no brain in their head and no heart in their chest.
Police is nothing without a uniform, the only thing make them to attack poor rfugee is their uniform, they are fearful and weak and full of stress and panic, thats why they bullying refugee and immigrants.
They have limit time, and their time is finish, soon!