By Dana
Questions need answers, silence is not an answer, silence has no wave, without a wave you can’t move, without a wave u cant build, without a wave you go and give up, without a wave u can’t wake up.
1. Is Sauli Niinisto your favor president? Why, if yes? Why not? Can you answer this question or are you afraid of something or someone? Why? Whom?
What’s so positive about his character? What’s so negative about it?
What would you ask him if you could hit him with a question?
I would ask him what he thinks about my rights and who takes responsibility for all the crimes against me and my life in this country.
2.Do you think there is freedom in Finland? What does freedom mean to you?
3.Have you ever been harassed or attacked in a racist manner? Physically? Mentally?
4.Do you know who your ministers are? What are they really doing in parliament? Do you trust them or care at all about them? Why?
Aren’t the ministers those who influence your daily life and destiny? U should know what they’re talking about and what important things they do… but what are they? Do you know how much their salary is?
5. What are the major problems you have in this country?
6. What kinds of humans do you think and are your friends? Why?
Do you see yourself as a racist? Have you ever been a racist? Can you admit it? Not to me but yourself? Are you honest enough with yourself?
1. Sauli Niinistö was not my favorite choice for the president and I didn’t vote for in the previous elections, but I prefer him over some of his opponents which is why I voted for him before previous elections. And I don’t think there is anything to be afraid of for expressing dissatisfaction for him or any other president.
And the fact is that it is you who were committed of some crime and there doesn’t seem to be no indication that any crimes have been committed against you. It is not a crime that all laws aren’t exactly as you would like them to be.
2. Too open question. In many ways Finland is quite free country compared to many other countries. For example, Finland is among the top countries in international comparisons of freedom of press. However, I wish that there would be even more freedom of speech instead of political correctness. I prefer truth over political correctness.
4. Among the current ministers, there aren’t many I like that much. Although I do have some reservations about Erkki Tuomioja and I don’t agree with him on everything, I also like to him to some extent. And I have neutral feelings towards Lauri Ihalainen and perhaps also Susanna Huovinen, Pia Viitanen and Ville Niinistö. Rest of them I would like to see replaced and I would hope to see some members of Perussuomalaiset as ministers.
6. Again too open-ended question and it depends how you classify persons. If you classify by ethnic origins, I have native Finns as well as immigrants as my friends. In fact, my best friend wasn’t even born in a western country and is non-white.
Question about racism is difficult to answer. I don’t consider to be racist as I feel that I have less racism than most persons. Having said that, I believe that all persons have some biases to different ethnic groups (including their own) even if they might not notice it by themselves.
I have done some implicit association tests (I recommend that you try some of them on Internet yourself) and I seem to have small preference of blacks over whites (if I remember correctly, typically most white – and even black persons tend to have some preference of whites over blacks). However, I don’t think that that kind of implicit association tests tell the whole truth either.
BTW, here are some implicit association tests. I recommend that you all try them:
It is a shame that there probably isn’t similar test to reveal implicit hatred toward Finns. I have the feeling that many here would benefit from it.
PS voter,
And the fact is that it is you who were committed of some crime and there doesn’t seem to be no indication that any crimes have been committed against you. It is not a crime that all laws aren’t exactly as you would like them to be.
and the fact is that it is a crime for law when works against my rights.
But when we are speaking about law most of people ( they think so simple and easy )think that law does not able to do a crime against a human.
Thats a big problem…this harsh mistake from them made and make law to abuse me and my situation.
There is no perfect law at all, but even a good low can be very dangerous, its all depends to those who work in the name of law…so they can easily abuse law too, abuse law, abuse me and you.
I told this to u because u told u search for truth.
PS voter, Finland is not a free country… i have never seen a place that people can go there and make their free speech.
Then where is freedom that police did not let me to sit on my chair in social welfare service even attacked me, beated me,and punished me for show me a dictatorial power in system.
As far as I have understood, you kicked over chairs and caused criminal damage. Do you think it was OK and that it is racism to prosecute you for doing things like that? To me, it doesn’t sound that you were just sitting in their chair.
PS vote and r
as far as i understand u and ur character
U are able
to understand
with close eyes
first open ur eyes and minds
and then u will understand the fact.
D u think that police can attack a woman on a chair? Beat her, and keep her in jail?
To me,
it does sound u r an enemy, also
am not waiting for ur acceptance, be aware
u can not change what happened to me even if u accept me and my words
so u understand that am not here for washing ur brain with fact… i dont care what u and people like u think about my case, but
fact has power
am in fact,in the middle of fact, so am no worry about ur blah blah blah
criminal damage is what u r doing against me
Oh and do u think that terrorizing a woman on a chair is okay?
Oh joke joke
but ur joke does not make u soft u r so harsh, dry and ready for attack
i know u
and again
be careful dont attack me, otherwise it will back on yours like a black rain
PS vote and r,
It is a shame that there probably isn’t similar test to reveal implicit hatred toward Finns. I have the feeling that many here would benefit from it.
This is ur imagination, no/one hates Finn and why there should be such a test?
finns are belong to white groups in this test
so are u searching extra attention?
if u wnat such a test
then i want a test exactly for Dana, about dana and why Ps vote and voters hate me…oh shame shame
Also i am not a lover of this kind of tests, and test games, and i don’t put my trusts on tests but
am living with my self/confidence, i dont need test myself with some questions,…
Myself knows me better