The Pakistani who suffered a violent attack on Friday in the Finnish city of Vantaa is recovering in hospital. It is a miracle that he survived such a vile attack, according to a nurse who said that the victim was only minutes away from death if help did not have arrived on time.
We wish the victim well and are not only shocked by what happened but worried about the safety of other visible migrants and minorities in Finland.
Read the original story here.
The Pakistani victim suffered at the hands of three suspected white Finnish youths the following wounds, according to a source close to the victim.
The vile nature of the attack is so horrible that we cannot publish a list of the wounds that the Pakistani is today recovering from.The media has published that the victim was stabbed over 20 times, and suffered multiple fractures on the skull from blows from an ax. The media hasn’t reported as well that the suspects cut pieces of the victim with a knife.
The police have determined that the attack against the Pakistani is not a hate crime. If this is the case, and considering the unimaginable violence committed against the victim, the police should tell the Pakistani, Muslim, and migrant community of Finland how they arrived at such a conclusion.
Migrant Tales published Thursday a story on how the police in Ireland use bias indicators to decide if an attack is a hate crime or not.
A way of establishing motive is to look at bias, according to a comprehensive OSCE ODIHR Hate Crime Reporting manual.
Some of these suggested bias indicators would point to an Islamophobic or anti-migrant hate crime:
- Difference of ethnicity/background between the perpetrator and victim;
- Timing
- Proximity to a mosque as well or another venue associated with Muslims/migrants;
- What does the victim’s community say?
- What does the perpetrator say why he did it?
- The vehemence of the attack – this is a very strong indicator.
Any two of the above would call for the police investigation bias/hate as a motive.
I sent the police an email today and asked what bias indicators they use to decide a hate crime.
They have not responded to my email so far.
They are terrorist, they attacked a man with no reason and in group, they tried to kill him, he was like a big meat under their attack, blood, wounds, blood, knife, ax, how they could find an ax? where did they find an AX? how many AX? it means they had plan to find a foreigner and attack him/her with AX and KNIFE , thats clear, and racist police says its not a hate crime, its nothing important, yes police is not suffering, they dont feel stress, their family are safe, they were not on death line, so they are not interest to talk about, and thats why they will not answer your mail ! it was ONLY a foreigner LIFE, JUST a foreigner life, no more no less ! nothing happened now, AX was plastic, knife was a toy, they are baby monster, they were playing with a meat, they are perfect race, police is in their side as usual !
Yes this is a miracle that he is alive, i wish him and his family the best !
How victim will live after this in Finland? what about his family? What about others? you are not safe, even in your home!
***Warning Warning, foreigners, immigrants, refugees, asylum seekers and muslim people ! ! ! finnish youth and AX are real, take good care !
– Vaikuttaa siltä, että mies joutui uhriksi sattumalta. Hän on vain ollut väärässä paikassa väärään aikaan. Teko on selvitetty aika hyvin ja tiedämme sen motiivinkin, mutta en avaa syitä vielä julkisuuteen.
chapter 6 section 5 if you dont know what hate crime is in finnish law. and from
Koventamisperuste tulee sovellettavaksi,
jos rikos kohdistetaan kansalliseen,
rodulliseen, etniseen tai muuhun sellaiseen
kansanryhmään kuuluvaan henkilöön tähän
ryhmään kuulumisen perusteella. Säännöksen
tarkoituksena on antaa suojaa juuri niitä rikoksia
vastaan, joiden alkusyy ja tekijän motiivi
liittyy uhrin ominaisuuteen tietyn kansanryhmän
jäsenenä (HE 44/2002 vp).