Migrant Tales’ insight: Anonymous is one of the many readers that not only visit our blog but contribute their stories and poems. I’m not at liberty to disclose her identity but can vouch for her story. We have been in touch countless of times on the phone and she has told me her six-year ordeal in Finland many, many times.
I am honored to publish her poems and insights of life in Finland. Having power over others gives you certain privileges like not questioning yourself. But being marginal opens up a different world that Anonymous’ poems bring.
One of my favorite writings by Anonymous is Against all odds human spirit cannot be crushed.
By Anonymous
A fate of life hanged in the balance. Nothing to ease the suffering. Devoid of any means of sustainance. Left to ponder on unknown fate rest on the assumption that nobody will be aware nor figure out her plight as she is kept under surveillance 24/7. In the event becomes an invisible victim. She exists… known but her plight unknown…
incident ripped open healing wound
past suffering sutured by mound
re-opens and gushes blood without a sound
where does it end…
but leaves a trail a around
to where the acts of revenge surround
to the heart of discord- pattern -bound
where does it end…
destroy every ounce of effort with pound
slash existing roots of hope without sound
and any progress made and found
where does it end…
induce a fall down against enemy with hound
not to be able to pick herself from ground
for it will take a miracle this time around
where does it end….