Minusta on naivia olettaa, että ihminen voisi olla monia asioita yhtäaikaa. Sellainen ihminen voisi ehkä kyetä siihen, joka ei ole juurtunut minnetkään. Ihminen hakee aina tasapainoa identtiteetin kanssa. Henkilö ottaa sen identiteetin jossa hän on vakain. Jos sellaista identiteettiä ei ole, hän kehittää sen itse. Etnogenesit tapahtuu kun ei ole mitään vakaata yksilö tai ryhmä identtiteettiä.
Sinulle tämä on naivia mutta minulle se on totta. Identiteetti on yksilöllistä. Olemme sitä mitä ajatelemme olevamme, eli “you are who you think you are.”
Speaking personally, I would shift the focus from ‘identity’ (noun) to ‘idenifying’ (verb), with the idea of better understanding the dynamic nature of identity.
First, like many ‘open’ systems, the roles played by stability and change are not in themselves fixed. As a young person, your identity goes through several growth phases where your ideas about yourself and the world you live change dramatically. Indeed, entire belief systems may be rejected and complete u-turns in one’s thinking and responses can happen. One difficult relationship or an untimely death can lead you to re-evaluate your whole life, and to see things differently and change aspects of one’s identity. Although we move towards stability as a natural ground, there are times too that we may strive to reach beyond what we know about ourselves, to test ourselves, and to strive to new ambitions. These can have profound effects on our identity, in the way of increasing and sometimes imperceptible changes over a long period, or through sudden and revolutionary insight.
Second, identity is constructed at different levels. Your family know you as someone different to your professional colleagues, as does your partner, or your best friends, or even relative strangers. In the same way language operates through different ‘registers’, so clearly identity functions differently in different groups, and through the dynamics of our own self-dialogue.
Third, identity is of course multi- multi- faceted. Changes and developments in our identity, as we age, as we do different kinds of work, as we become parents, or as we achieve personal goals, can lead to changes in a few or many aspects of our identity. Moving away from home can give you a new perspective on the world, but also on the place you have lived. Likewise, being in an environment where you don’t speak the native language can also reveal a different kind of world, as you adapt to a position of relative powerlessness, you can appreciate aspects of your social world in a different way.
Fourth, identity has a lot to do with who and what we identity with. Some people are quite detached and do not identify closely with anything, but rather, keep lots of spaces in their identity. They tend to be more versatile and tolerant. Others identify very strongly with a particular set of values or responses, built on a sense of what is ‘right’ and what is ‘wrong’. This can create a strong personality or identity, but not necessarily a flexible personality, or one that is open to the diverse experiences of others. At its worst, it can be confrontational.
of course migrants are welcome, as long as they abide by the Finnish laws
Why wouldn’t they? Why do you even have to mention this? It’s this kind of negative response that gets on my tit.
Minusta on naivia olettaa, että ihminen voisi olla monia asioita yhtäaikaa. Sellainen ihminen voisi ehkä kyetä siihen, joka ei ole juurtunut minnetkään. Ihminen hakee aina tasapainoa identtiteetin kanssa. Henkilö ottaa sen identiteetin jossa hän on vakain. Jos sellaista identiteettiä ei ole, hän kehittää sen itse. Etnogenesit tapahtuu kun ei ole mitään vakaata yksilö tai ryhmä identtiteettiä.
Sinulle tämä on naivia mutta minulle se on totta. Identiteetti on yksilöllistä. Olemme sitä mitä ajatelemme olevamme, eli “you are who you think you are.”
Speaking personally, I would shift the focus from ‘identity’ (noun) to ‘idenifying’ (verb), with the idea of better understanding the dynamic nature of identity.
First, like many ‘open’ systems, the roles played by stability and change are not in themselves fixed. As a young person, your identity goes through several growth phases where your ideas about yourself and the world you live change dramatically. Indeed, entire belief systems may be rejected and complete u-turns in one’s thinking and responses can happen. One difficult relationship or an untimely death can lead you to re-evaluate your whole life, and to see things differently and change aspects of one’s identity. Although we move towards stability as a natural ground, there are times too that we may strive to reach beyond what we know about ourselves, to test ourselves, and to strive to new ambitions. These can have profound effects on our identity, in the way of increasing and sometimes imperceptible changes over a long period, or through sudden and revolutionary insight.
Second, identity is constructed at different levels. Your family know you as someone different to your professional colleagues, as does your partner, or your best friends, or even relative strangers. In the same way language operates through different ‘registers’, so clearly identity functions differently in different groups, and through the dynamics of our own self-dialogue.
Third, identity is of course multi- multi- faceted. Changes and developments in our identity, as we age, as we do different kinds of work, as we become parents, or as we achieve personal goals, can lead to changes in a few or many aspects of our identity. Moving away from home can give you a new perspective on the world, but also on the place you have lived. Likewise, being in an environment where you don’t speak the native language can also reveal a different kind of world, as you adapt to a position of relative powerlessness, you can appreciate aspects of your social world in a different way.
Fourth, identity has a lot to do with who and what we identity with. Some people are quite detached and do not identify closely with anything, but rather, keep lots of spaces in their identity. They tend to be more versatile and tolerant. Others identify very strongly with a particular set of values or responses, built on a sense of what is ‘right’ and what is ‘wrong’. This can create a strong personality or identity, but not necessarily a flexible personality, or one that is open to the diverse experiences of others. At its worst, it can be confrontational.