Sanotaan, että juutalaisten joukkomurha Saksassa ei olisi ollut mahdollista, jos vaikeneva enemmistö olisi kunnolla asettunut vastustamaan tapahtumien kulkua. Jälkeenpäin on ollut vaikea saada selville miksi kävi niin, että tavalliset, hyvät ihmiset antoivat sen kaiken tapahtua.
Month: July 2016
Migrants’ Rights Network: Feeling secure? – Not bl**** likely!
Eighty years after the Battle of Cable Street in which the East End Jewish community and anti-fascists stopped Moseley’s Blackshirts marching through a migrant community, there are reports of a rise in anti-migrant feeling, abuse and attacks following the narrow pro-Brexit vote on 23 June.
Housing discrimination occurs in Finland and is underreported by the media
A news story in YLE News about housing for immigrants highlights one area where discrimination is rife and unreported by the media. Contrary to discrimination in the labor market and at night clubs, reported by YLE, housing is another area where migrants and minorities face discrimination.
The Perussuomalaiset is an extremist party that is unfit to rule Finland
There’s overwhelming evidence that the populist anti-immigration Perussuomalaiset (PS)* is an extremist party especially when it comes to its views on immigration and cultural diversity. But here’s a question to the Finnish media: If the PS is an extremist party why aren’t they called that?
Turning Finland into a post-Brexit United Kingdom mess where xenophobia, privilege and disunity are the rules
It was yesterday when I tweeted with a person who expressed extremist views about immigration as Perussuomalaiset (PS) MP Teuvo Hakkarainen does on a Facebook posting below claiming as the result of the terrorist attack in Nice, France, we should prohibit people from the Middle East and Africa from entering Finland.
Are bigotry and racism something “funny” and “eccentric” PS chairman Timo Soini?
Perussuomalaiset (PS)* chairperson and foreign minister, Timo Soini, brushed aside recent xenophobic and homophobic statements by MPs like Leena Meri, Laura Huhtasaari and Mika Raatikainen.
Ana María Gutiérrez Soranen: La vida en Europa es, a veces, como un sacrificio
Ana María Gutiérrez Soranen El fin de semana pasado salió a la luz pública el triste caso de dos mujeres que en una calle de Helsinki, fueron seguidas por dos policías vestidos de civil y que les demandaron presentar sus pasaportes. Estas mujeres eran la madre y hermana de un conocido músico finlandés, “Musta Barbaari”,…
Skärpt asylpolitik – Hur behandlas asylansökningarna?
Låg och bläddrade igenom min Facebook då jag stötte på ett inlägg som en av mina Facebook vänner hade delat – Skärpt asylpolitik känns konkret på förläggningarna heter artikeln som Svenska Yle har publicerats och som handlar om asylsökanden i Finland och hur dessa ansökan behandlas. Som vi alla vet så har det varit mycket…
Perussuomalaiset MP Leena Meri: Hiding coded bigotted statements as jokes
One matter is what happened on Friday to singer Musta Barbaari’s mother and sister when they were stopped by plainclothes police Friday, the other is a bigotted comment by an anti-immigration politician and former police officer concerning the alleged ethnic profiling case. The MP, who is a member of the Perussuomalaiset (PS)* party, Leena Meri, said that if the singer doesn’t like living in Finland he’s welcome to go back to where he came from.
Beri Jamal: My Thoughts
Beri Jamal* Sa de inte – Didn’t they say är namnet på denna låt, en låt som släpptes ut under det blodiga sekterism kriget år 2007, ett krig som ledde till att Sunni dödade Shia och Shia dödade Sunni muslimer – det var ett blod bad i Irak och idag upprepas blodbadet men denna gång…