Former Perussuomalaiset* and today Center Party councilperson Tanja Hartonen’s attack on me is a good example of political revenge aimed at silencing me and Migrant Tales. I am sure that all these made-up stories about what I said at city committee meeting will not stand the light of day. The truth is that Hartonen became…
Mistaking your identity
In a world where migration constantly weaves new identities and is even seen as a threat to national identities, countries in Europe are throwing all their political weight to slow such a natural process. Being from a multicultural and multinational background can be a problem in a world that sees new identities as a threat….
Mahad Sheikh Musse (Facebook): Suomen pitkä rasismin historia
The fall of (US)America
The 5 November US presidential election will be remembered as the alarm that signifies the end of USAmerica and when all of its contradictions caught up with it and destroyed it. Nothing good can come out of a second Trump term except for more global and national chaos. The US poet Allan Ginsberg (1926-1997) put…
Opitaan Fingliska Mara-Liisa Tolvasen kanssa
Tapasin Mara-Liisa Tolvasen Thunder Bayssä Kanadassa vuonna 2006. Thunder Bay (Tunterpei) on kaupunki, jossa on paljon suomalaistaustaisia. Marja-Liisa oli niin ystävällinen, että hän antoi minulle sanakirjan, jossa on joitakin Fingliska-sanoja. Sanoja Saulstemarie tai Suustemarie = Sault St. Marie Supperi = Sudbury Tunterpei = Thunder Bay Vankkuuveri = Vancouver Vinnipekki = Winnipeg Rutto = Trudeau (ent….
Länsi-Savo: Rasismi ja syrjintä ovat yhä vakavia ongelmia
MP Heikki Vestman throws the rule of law and asylum seekers under the bus
Thanks to National Coalition Party (NCP) MP and chairperson of the constitutional committee, Heikki Vestman, Finland regressed to the days of the cold war, when human rights was seen as a negative matter because it jeopardized our relationship with the former Soviet Union. Vestman, who has been accused of throwing the rule of law and…
Thank you President Jimmy Carter (1924-2024)
Enrique Tessieri <[email protected]> May 1, 2017, 4:29 PM to [email protected] President Jimmy Carter, you don’t know me but I’d like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving me hope during one of my darkest hours when I was in Argentina during the dirty war (1976-83). At the time when you mentioned that human rights…
Helsinki Noir: A play reflecting troubled times
THE REVIEW WAS UPDATED Writer and director Ahti Tolvanen, who is a member of the Migrant Tales board, has written a play that reflects hard and uncertain times for Finland. When Ahti came to Finland in the 1970s, it was a very different country. For one, its foreign policy, which some criticized as Finlandization, attempted…
Suomen Silta* (6/2013): Finns of all backgrounds, unite!
When Finns talk about expats, they usually mean those that are Finnish citizens and, most importantly, speak the Finnish or Swedish language. Apart from speaking on of Finland’s two official languages, your ethnic background plays a role as well. When you generalize, you risk walking on thin ice. I’ll take that risk, however, to make…