Valtakunnansyyttäjänvirasto on määrännyt nostettavaksi syytteen kotkalaista kaupunginvaltuutettua Freddy van Wonterghemia vastaan. Syyte tulee kiihottamisesta kansanryhmää vastaan.
Month: October 2011
Denial is a time-tested method to make a social issue go away
What do people really mean when they claim that racism is a minor problem in Finland and elsewhere? Are they stating that since racism is a small problem, politicians and public opinion should not concern themselves too much with the issue? If a white Finn claims that racism is not a problem, is he or she stating that immigrants hardly exist in this country?
Bilingualism will supercharge your brain or is it that easy?
My blood pressure rises every time I hear people state nonchalantly that travelling enriches. If this were the case, why are some societies hostile to some people like immigrants who are growing up in two or more cultures? I was brought up in three national cultures and spoke three languages as a child.
Why the PS are a threat to immigrants and Finland
Perussuomalaiset (PS) MP Olli Immonen, a member of Suomen Sisu and well-known for his anti-immigration views, wants to do away with the Ombudsman for Minorities office, according to Oulu-based daily Kaleva. Apart from slashing the budget by 50%, Immonen plans to draft a law that will make the Ombudsman for Minorities redundant.
Brain drain from Finland set to get worse as anti-immigration sentiment grows
Think tank Research Institute of the Finnish Economy (ETLA) states in a report that Finland already suffers from brain drain “to some extent.” With the backdrop of the April 17 election and a more negative atmosphere towards immigrants, coupled with the cooling of the economy, suggest that brain drain will continue to get worse.
YLE Pohjois-Karjala: Lieksa haluaa sanoutua irti rasisimista
Rasisminvastainen keskusteluilta herätti paljon mielipiteitä Lieksassa. Keskustelijat pohtivat muun muassa maahanmuuttajavastaisuuden syitä. Paikalla olleet myös korostivat, että on tärkeää tutustua maahanmuuttajiin.
An about-turn by the PS on racism?
Perussuomalaiset (PS) MP Tom Packalén expresses concern on an Uusi Suomi blog about recent hate crimes in Lieksa that have hit the national news. The former policeman appears to be exited by an article he read in Helsingin Sanomat quoting Muqtar Moalin Nuurin, head of the Somalian association of Lieksa, who said that Somalians are also to blame for the situation in Lieksa.
Aviisi: Lopullinen totuus: Turvapaikanhakijoista pitäisi järjestää kansanäänestys
Turvapaikanhakijat tulevat vaikeista oloista. Monet ovat menettäneet kotinsa, perheensä, kokeneet kidutusta ja kohdanneet kuolemaa, sekä mahdollisesti tulleet raiskatuksi. Heidän ongelmansa ovat erityislaatuisia. Jopa puolet Pohjois-Karjalan rasismirikoksista tehdään Lieksassa
Rasismi on keskittynyt Pohjois-Karjalassa tilastojen mukaan vahvasti Lieksaan. Kaupungissa asuu alle kymmenesosa maakunnan asukkaista, mutta rasistiseksi epäillyistä rikoksista siellä tehdään peräti puolet. Poliisin mukaan maakunnan rikoksista 62:ssa oli viime vuonna rasistinen motiivi. Niistä 29 tehtiin Lieksassa.
An “honest police debate” about rape with the help of an Islamophobist PS MP
What would you say about a policeman who wants to begin an open debate on Facebook about rape crimes committed by immigrants? He uses as one of his sources Islamophoibist Perussuomalaiset (PS) MP Olli Immonen, who believes that it is only a question of time when there will be a “war of cultures” in Europe.