In English, a snow job means a grand deception. Snow jobs happen year-round in Finland, irrespective of the season. The different excuses, arguments, and counterarguments to justify institutional racism are so common that we do not see them even if they are right under our noses.

A good snow-job spotter and when red lights should start flashing in your head:
- Only white people are present at a meeting discussing the importance of ethnic diversity.
- Only white people are present at a meeting discussing the importance of cultural diversity.
- If there are minorities present at the meeting, they are usually in order not to incite white fragility.
- In other words, minorities are bullied into silence.
- When the meeting is over, there are no concrete steps to give cultural and ethnic diversity space to grow.
- The object of the meeting is to reinforce exceptionalism and compliment each other on how “open” and “important” diversity is without raising a finger.
- In other words, nothing changes. Nada. The same structures of institutional racism live to see another day.
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