It seems odd that in today’s technologically advanced societies in Europe and elsewhere our views of other groups continue to pose major challenges. If I had to picture the situation in a cartoon, I would draw a picture of one of our first primates, Australopithecus africanus, which existed 2-3 million years before present sitting in front of a computer and speaking to the future with a Skype time machine.
Even though an image of an Australopithecus africanus may shock some of us, we could, if we learned how to communicate with this ancestor, find common opinions on how diversity can jeopardize the social integrity of the group.
Even though the picture suggests that Australopithecus africanus was monogamous, what values would we share in common with this primate ancestor? Source:
If there is a new watershed that the Internet and globalization has brought it could be the chance to be more independent from some of the more adverse values (like those that fuel racism and discrimination) of society. Thus we could, so to speak, eat our cultural cake and have it at the same time.
The problem, I believe, is that traditional modern societies and some of its different members, especially the seats of power, are reticent to such change because it would undermine their economic, political and social power. Race or ethnicity is only a pretext to identify and exclude others from society’s pot of gold.
The modern society of the future (unless we end up destroying ourselves) will be built on diversity inside a hybrid cultural existence. We accept this form of society because we profit from it economically, environmentally and socially. If, however, we resist this change in a bellicose fashion, we will continue to be regulated by wars and petty and not-so-petty conflicts.
The new society that sees diversity as normal will be a huge step from classifying our world from the suspicious and hostile “us” and “them.”
The Internet and Globalization will free us from the human traits that cause wars and conflicts: racism and discrimination? Hmm…Interesting.
Well, for one thing, Globalization is threatening to take away our freedoms. If you are aware of the aims of Globalization i.e. Bilderbergers et al, you might not think of Globalization as a positive force. They are trying to get companies like Monsanto to dominate the food industry for example. This is a company that I would characterize as public enemy number one, for changing the genetic code in life that God put on this planet, and poisoning our crops with such soil additives as Acrylamide – a neurotoxin. These are the fruits of Globalization.
–The Internet and Globalization will free us from the human traits that cause wars and conflicts: racism and discrimination? Hmm…Interesting.
Globalization is for better or worse here to stay unless you want to shut down the Internet and halt global trade. The reason why there are companies such as Monsanto and why we suffered from a global economic meltdown in September 2008 is because regulation is toothless and done in the old fashion catering to interests. Effective global regulation is the answer. My point is that we live, think and react in the same manner as former primate groups that learned the advantage of living together. Do we have to continue to live in a world where we always see other people as a threat? How can we break this terrible cycle of human history?
“How can we break this terrible cycle of human history?”
Genetic manipulation, just engineer Homo Multiculturus…
–Genetic manipulation, just engineer Homo Multiculturus…
Gee Hannu, how do you plan to do that? One of the problems with those in Finland and elsewhere that are against cultural diversity is that they have not given any realistic solutions of creating a society that fosters good ethnic relations. What is your solution? Kick out all those you don’t like? The fact is that in Europe we have large ethnic groups and that is a reality. No matter how much you kick and bitch, those people are here – they are a reality. So, the question is how do we build a society that fosters good ethnic relations.
“Gee Hannu, how do you plan to do that?”
Genetic engineering is possible and they are near to find “racism” gene what makes us to see “them and us”, google williams syndrome.
Sounds your wet dream doesnt it?
Only solution which works with multiple cultures in same area is that one culture is used as universal (locally) and other cultures adjust to that.
There is no option of two radically different cultures peacefully coexisting without one or another yielding.
–There is no option of two radically different cultures peacefully coexisting without one or another yielding.
This kind of “theory” was used by the Hitler and company to justify leibensraum. There is more mixture going on than you would want to acknowledge. Take a look at how much Finnish culture has changed in the past 20 years.
Yes it is possible…you just don’t know it yet (even so you have 2 official languages there).
Switzerland..they have 4 national languages. Italian, French, German and Rhaeto-Romanic.
Australia (have also lived there): You will find plenty of Asians, Africans, Indians and Europeans there. It’s a great place to live.
-“Yes it is possible…you just don’t know it yet (even so you have 2 official languages there).”
No it is not. Language culture not make, even if it is one of the building blocks.
-“Switzerland..they have 4 national languages. Italian, French, German and Rhaeto-Romanic.”
And one culture/4 extremely similar cultures.
In case you have not figured it out, cultural gap is huge effect on how big and destructive the conflict is.
Europe overall has relatively small gaps between neighboring nations. That is why Finns and Swedes tend to mingle with reasonably little issues.
But transfer Middle Eastern person to Finland or Sweden and you have cultural gap which, unless eliminated by making immigrant assimilate/integrate to society, will result in conflict.
-“Australia (have also lived there): You will find plenty of Asians, Africans, Indians and Europeans there. It’s a great place to live.”
It is same as with USA. Americans always wonder “Why Europe has such issues with muslim/african immigrants? We have those and they fit in well!”
It can also be turned around. Why USA has so much issues with Mexican immigrants? We have those in Europe and they fit in well.
Answer is… Distance! Closer you are, worse the “material” you receive gets. Because crossing ocean tends to cost a lot more than ferrytrip across Medi or swimming across Rio Grande. Thus, only those who are able to do something of themselves can afford long distance immigration.
As for Australia, they have tightened their immigration policies. Which were strict as they were before. And despite that, they have had issues due to incompatible cultures.
Again, go google “Uncovered meat”. Prime example of cultural conflict.
-“This kind of “theory” was used by the Hitler and company to justify leibensraum.”
Enrique, you are pathetic. If you do not have valid case against my argument, just accept that you are wrong and STFU.
Trying to play the nazi card is so old that it has lost it’s charm except for some leftist nuts.
-“There is more mixture going on than you would want to acknowledge. Take a look at how much Finnish culture has changed in the past 20 years.”
And which parts of this change have not originated from Finnish population and which changes have conflicted with existing Finnish cultural framework?
Oh yes… NONE OF IT!
That is the issue you can’t grasp. Cultures change gradually, very little and ONLY IF CHANGE CAN FIT EXISTING CULTURE.
Because of this, cultural gap is still causing conflicts. Finns will not in any forseeable future see eye to eye with what we consider barbaric Middle Eastern culture. Stoning women? Making them wear potato sacks? Murdering them for dating man of another religion?
Or other cultural gaps. We do not want American gun culture either. Nor do we want Russian culture of corruption.
Coming to Finland and trying to live according to such principles which radically violate Finnish cultural framework is why multiculturalism never works.
When two radically different cultures meet, they either draw line and look at each other with distrust over it. Or start fighting. If one is stronger, they swallow and consume weaker culture. Else they fight for generations.
This is proven by history. Just read history Enrique, so you do not repeat the mistakes of thinking that you can put any kind of cultures inside same borders.
Start with Middle East, say Iraq. Then familiarize yourself with Balkan wars. You can also go into older history of British Isles where different cultural groups have fought for dominance for centuries.
No it is not. Language culture not make, even if it is one of the building blocks.
-But you always said that we all need to learn Finnish. And now it’s not important anymore? What are you talking about?
Europe overall has relatively small gaps between neighboring nations.
-Well I am from a European nation, why do they tell me then that they are not able to hire a foreigner. Don’t want to imagine how somebody from the Middle East has to struggle there to find a job.
-“But you always said that we all need to learn Finnish. And now it’s not important anymore? What are you talking about?”
Understanding language is route to understanding culture which uses it.
However, same language can be shared by different cultures.
Besides, Finnish is essential in Finland because… That is the language well over 90% of people you would randomly meet speak and prefer.
Go to Japan without speaking any language and you learn just how little use English is if people either do not know how to or do not want to speak it. (And I do not want to handle my daily business in my native land in anything but my native language)
-“Well I am from a European nation, why do they tell me then that they are not able to hire a foreigner. Don’t want to imagine how somebody from the Middle East has to struggle there to find a job.”
Because you are an arrogant ass.
Besides, we do not know if you have any proper competency in any field where foreigners would be useful. If you are some salesman your usefulness is close to zero unless company is only starting foreign trade.
No speak localo, makes xyzo uselesso.
Besides, Finnish is essential in Finland because… That is the language well over 90% of people you would randomly meet speak and prefer.
-I have a great idea. You could teach us Finnish here. What do you think? Every day 1 lecture instead of arguing how lazy immigrants are. Interested?
There are already courses for people who want to learn.
And whole country filled with Finnish speakers.
I am not good teacher, never pretended to be one either.
But learning requires motivation. And that is what great many immigrants lack.
You guys want benefits first, then maybe work to earn them. IE, want a job, but do not want to put your back to learning required skills to be viable option to hire.
Well I ask you again, I would like to learn some Finnish from you. Even children learn it from their parents…so it should be not such a big deal for you to teach me your native language. You can post every day a few sentences here with explanations and then we try to make a dialog in Finnish. If you want some integrated immigrants then you also need to do some efforts. So I am waiting for Lecture 1.
Globalism in the sense that we are all interconnected is only one view of this phenomenon. In this view, the internet and all the relationships between countries, for trade etc. is a positive force. But in the other view, where cultures are destroyed in the process, is a negative force. There are steps that cultures such as Finland can take to counter the trend of cultural destruction. The North American Natives have shown us that they, having unwittingly entered the abyss, have turned around and have countered the negative events that have almost totally destroyed their culture. The point being, the sooner the Finns start this process, the better. We do not have to lay down and take what some people call “inevitable.” What is called “change” today will later be called “destruction.”
Fine, lecture 1 (albeit form a different person).
DISCLAIMER: I’m not a teacher, and these days my grasp of English grammar is probably superior to my Finnish one. If a textbook contrasts with what I say, the book is more reliable an authority.
Hyvää huomenta = good morning
Hyvä = good
“huomenta”= best translated as “morrow”.
huomenna = tomorrow.
(aamu = morning
Word-for-word, we should say “hyvää aamua” when saying good morning. The reason why it’s “huomenta” is rooted in history and custom, aka. beyond my knowledge.)
The importance of 1 “ä” or 2″ä”s:
Tuo on hyvä auto/kommentti/idea/vitsi =
That’s a good car/comment/idea/joke
There’s a sense that “hyvä”, with one Ä, refers to something singular.
In case of “hyvää”…
“Hyvää päivää/huomenta” = good day/morning
As an amateur’s explanation, there’s a sense that these are ongoing or long-term things you’re talking about.
“Hyvää päivää” is a greeting.
“Hyvä päivä” is a statement.
– – – –
I hope you found the above of some use. I _really_ hope you were being sincere instead of snide when you originally made the challenge (I hate those Asberger moments when I take someone on their word, only to find to my regret that it was a waste of time).
A suggestion to Mr. Tessieri: how about an on-going topic devoted not to questions of politics or attitudes but just de-crypting Finnish, one request/example at a time?
Let us not also forget that pronounciation of the words is important. Having all the right letters in your mind is pointless unless you can produce correct sounds too.
That essential part cannot be communicated through this media.