The use of the term maahanmuuttokriittinen, or immigration critic, reveals what some journalists think about immigration to or in Finland. It can very well reveal that the journalist may hold the same opinions of anti-immigration groups.
Tag: True Finns
True Finns to announce official stance on immigration policy
The anti-immigration True Finns will make public their official stand on immigration on Saturday, July 24. Should we now hold our collective breaths?
(Another) poll on what Finns think of future immigrants
When will these end and when will these what-Finns-think-of-immigrants polls stop? Name me of a country where a native believes there are too few immigrants and therefore wants more foreigners to come? Why are these types of polls important?
Social Democratic interim report on immigration policy strengthens old fears of the outside world
The title of an interim report on immigration policy published by the Social Democratic Party on Friday not only reveals the party’s greatest fears but strengthens age-old views of outsiders. Apart from the political malarkey that SDP sees immigration as an opportunity, it likes to use pet catchwords – like the populist anti-immigration True Finns – such as “controlled and/or regulated immigration.”
Fallacies of Finland’s immigration-refugee debate
If we look at the ongoing immigration-refugee debate in Finland, there are five fallacies that one should look at critically in order to understand the debate. I have compiled a list of the top five claims that I consider the most absurd and politically questionable but are used constantly in the ongoing debate:
Racism in Finland and elsewhere
Every society has its racists but the question is where we draw the line. For a country like Finland, the problem of drawing a clear line hinges on that there are so few immigrant and ethnic groups that moved to this country from the second half of last century.
EDITORIAL: Are Finns ignorant about immigration?
Some claim that one should forgive some Finns for their outrageous statements on immigrants and refugees since they are fuelled by ignorance. If there are serious shortcomings in our immigration and integration policy it can be blamed on our lack of experience.
A-Talk: What is wrong with the Social Democrats?
At least for me, the debate on immigration on A-Talk on Thursday was a disappointment. The only sensible persons on the show were Anni Sinnemäki of the Greens and Jyrki Katainen of Kokoomus. The two opposition leaders, Jutta Urpilainen of the Social Democrats (SDP) and Timo Soini of the True Finns were a disappointment filling the airways with hollow catchwords that reeked of populism, protectionism and heavy doses of obnoxious nationalism.