By Enrique Tessieri
Perussuomalaiset (PS) chairman Timo Soini was quoted as saying today on Nelonen television that “at least two” members will get sacked today at the party’s national executive board meeting. One of these is PS councilman Tommi Rautio, who suggested giving a medal to the Finn that killed in cold blood a Moroccan pizzeria employee.
The other person expected to get the boot is Jani Viinikainen, a member of the PS’ Pirkanmaa region board. Viinikainen founded last year an anti-gay Facebook page and another one recently against the Roma.
Viinikainen was quoted as saying on Facebook that he expected to get sacked by the party. PS MP James Hirvisaari, who was fined for hate speech in December by a Kouvola court, told Viinikianen that he was concerned about free speech in Finland, according to the PS board member.
Two sackings in a party that has offered the tabloids a scandal each month seems insignificant.
The interesting question to ask is if these sackings will change the party. Some are rightfully skeptical.
” PS MP James Hirvisaari, who was fined for hate speech in December by a Kouvola court, told Viinikianen that he was concerned about free speech in Finland”
When will these idiots get it through their thick skulls that there’s a HUGE difference between free speech and the incitement of genocide!?!?!
Totally agree BlandaUpp. When people like James Hirvisaari speak of free speech they mean free hate speech.
I just read that they are planning a march on Facebook against rape victims. Here is the link:
Those will attend look like a pretty wretched lot: Nazi profile pictures, skinheads who claim under “intrests” AK-47s. Here is a comment by a Mikael Iinatti: “Mä valvoin sotilasvalan Oulussa! Hiukkavaarassa! Mulle se on helvetin loukkaus tommonen ” maahanmuttajien rauhanmarssi!” Minä lauloin muiden sotilaitten kanssa PohjanMarssin! Perkele!!! Rupee vituttaan tommoset!!! Suomi Suomalaisille!!! Öh! Suvaitsuvainen??? Fuck Off!!!”
He says that the march in Oulu on Friday 24.2 was “an insult…This is getting me f****n pissed off!!! Finland for the Finns!!! Tolerant? F**k off!!!”
Remember to keep the screen dump. Who knows when this fine fellow will be standing for election?
JusticeDemon, you are absolutely right. Who knows, he may become a political celebrity like Hakkarainen thanks to the PS.
Forgive me for my cynicism, but it appears that these repulsive men will be used as sacrificial lambs to the slaughter to ‘restore’ the PS public image. Let’s be honest, Soini isn’t going to push for the expulsion of Hirvisaari or Halla-aho and their ilk from this repugnant party.
By sacking the small-fry, the big bad guys can claim that they are getting rid of the racist element within the party. This is an old trick that political parties the world over use to appease the public and maintain public support.
Why, Mr. Soini, don’t you make an example of Jussi Halla-aho or James Hirvisaari? If your party is really against racism, You need to take REAL action against ALL of those within the PS who seek to rob newcomers of their basic human dignity!
By sacking the small-fry, the big bad guys can claim that they are getting rid of the racist element within the party.
Spot on, Peter of Finland. He’s not interested at all because Soini is like Halla-aho and his clan. The only difference is that he sugar-coats his words. He doesn’t have a clue about what is immigration never mind how to integrate immigrants.
Migrant Tales
A march against rape? How ironic hat the PS are the only political party in Finland who had a convicted violent rapist as their campaign manager!
The PS and their supporters use rape as a political weapon. I remember a widely sensationalized by the tabloid media gang rape by a “group of large black men” just before the elections that later turned out to have been fabricated for political reasons. The redaction only got a small mention in the media.
Hi BlandaUpp, what you read is correct. But if you look at the profiles of those that will attend the march, you kind of wonder what their political agenda is. It is a sad day in Finland when immigrants cannot even show their solidarity against violence.
what, are finns learning European manners
Hi The Runner and welcome to our blog, Migrant Tales. Do you mean that Finns, or particularly a Finnish political party, is learning to act like Europeans?
This is a joke. Before he starts sacking these two small times, he must sack out the big fish: Jussi halla Aho. Soini is a joke for even stablishing this, in the P.S party the’re many who share same views as does Tommi rauio, so i dont see any sense of Soini’s stablishment.
Migrant tales: Those will attend look like a pretty wretched lot: Nazi profile pictures, skinheads who claim under “intrests” AK-47s. Here is a comment by a Mikael Iinatti: “Mä valvoin sotilasvalan Oulussa! Hiukkavaarassa! Mulle se on helvetin loukkaus tommonen ” maahanmuttajien rauhanmarssi!” Minä lauloin muiden sotilaitten kanssa PohjanMarssin! Perkele!!! Rupee vituttaan tommoset!!! Suomi Suomalaisille!!! Öh! Suvaitsuvainen??? Fuck Off!!!”
LoL. He sounds like straight up barfly.