There is one matter that bonds all the Perussuomalaiset (PS) MPs in parliament: They use migrants, especially Muslims and asylum seekers, to get votes. Their ads and rhetoric reflect well their racist disposition.
Take, for instance, the ad below that promises that she will make “Finnish well being and security” priorities.
Some of her pet topics are Muslims even if in her small, far-flung town of Outokumpu (6,803 inhabitants), there are hardly any foreigners, never mind Muslims.

In Outokumpu – are you ready for this – there are 177 people (2.6% of the total town population) who are not Finnish citizens, 231 (3.39%) who were born elsewhere than Finland, and 239 (3.51%) who do not speak Finnish, Swedish or Sami as their mother tongue.
Despite their minimal numbers, Antikainen does not miss a chance to label Muslims as rapists and terrorists.
That is why she is obsessed with the message: prioritizing white Finns’ well-being and security.

Antikainen’s Islamophobic worldview raises a lot of questions.
One of these is how she graduated as a registered nurse and what kind of an oath she took. The Hippocratic oath of nurses is also based on the Nightingale Pledge, named in honor of Florence Nightingale,
In the United States, nurses vow to treat patients equally: “Discrimination in any form is harmful to society as a whole and in opposition to the values and ethical code of the nursing profession, which directs the nurse to ‘…respect the inherent dignity, worth, unique attributes, and human rights of all individuals.’” (American Nursing Association, 2015, p.17).
Below are a Finnish nurse’s views about human rights and how to deal with people she does not like.

I sent MP Antikainen Thursday the following questions:
- What do you mean when you state that you are “on the side of Finns?”
- What about if a person was born in another country but is a Finnish citizen? Are you on his or her side as well?
- What about if the person was born in Finland and is black?
- Do you defend the interests of all people in Finland irrespective of their backgrounds?
I never expect to get an answer from Antikainen. Even so, the fact that she didn’t answer is already an answer that reveals a lot about herself and her party.
If the PS ever could change the laws of Finland, that would be a sad day for Finnish democracy and the rule of law.
It would be a very sad day indeed because it would be based on racism and far-right populism.
We won’t allow it to happen and, in the meantime, we will give parties like the PS and MPs like Antikainen a run for their money.