By now, after numerous scandals, Prime Minister Petteri Opro may be thinking that getting into bed with the Perussuomalaiset (PS)* was a huge mistake that will have far-reaching consequences for the National Coalition Party (Kokoomus) and even end up costing him his job. If Orpo and PS Finance Minister Riikka Purra had a crystal ball…
Month: July 2023
Ahti Tolvanen: Hallitukselle RE: “Nollatoleranssi syrjinnälle ja rasismille”
Koska eduskunnalta pyydetään hallituksella luottamusta, vaikka tämä samalla sijoittaisi vaikutusvaltaiseen asemaan rasismia tai valkoisen rodun ylivaltaa vuosia sanoilla ja teoillaan eri tavoin edistäneitä henkilöitä kuten Purra, Rantanen ja Rydman, on pyyntö harvinaisen ongelmallinen.Eduskuntaa pyydetään samalla hyväksymään ohjelmaehdotuksen, jonka tavoitteena on pääministeri Orpon ilmoittama ”nollatoleranssi syrjinnälle ja rasismille.” Orpon hallitukseen kohdistuu ennennäkemätön haaste, selvästi vaatien hyvin…
Spain’s snap election result is bad news for Finland’s conservative-radical right government
Instead of only congratulating the National Coalition Party’s (NCP) sister party, Partido Popular, Prime Minister Petteri Orpo should pay close attention to the election result in Spain. True, the conservative Partido Popular, won the election, but the result was disappointing and insufficient to give it a majority. Social Democratic (PSOE) Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez’ snap…
Finland’s government gets ready for another scandal. This time it’s Minister for Foreign Trade Wille Rydman. The party? You guessed it.
It is ironic that when Perussuomalaiset (PS)* Finance Minister Riikka Purra published Wednesday a blog playing down her racist and violent postings of 2008, another scandal erupted when Helsingin Sanomat revealed a number of racist messages of PS Minister for Foreign Trade Wille Rydman. The messages were written in 2016 between him and his former…
Riikka Purra plays the victim and plays down her racist blog writings of 2008
Perussuomalaiset (PS)* Finance Minister Riikka Purra’s defense rests on playing the victim and underplaying her racist and hostile blog postings she wrote on Scripta in 2008, where she used the n-word, Turkish monkey, threatened to kill youths of migrant origin on a commuter train, among other anti-social postings. On the right, a self-confident Riikka Purra….
Radical Right Interior Minister Mari Rantanen tries to erase her racist past
Radical right politicians like Mari Rantanen, the new interior minister of Prime Minister Petteri Orpo’s government, claimed with a poker face in an Uusi Suomi interview that she does not see any racism or far-right issues in her party. “I don’t know then what we are supposed to renounce,” she added. For those who have…
22/7: A day of infamy we must never forget but returns
It is a creepy coincidence that during another 22/7 anniversary when a mass murderer in Norway killed in cold blood 77 victims in 2011, Finland, Sweden, and Denmark are ruled by governments that are hostile to people from outside the EU. In Finland, we have two far-right terrorist investigations suspected of planning attacks against migrants….
All you have to do is look at Orpo’s government to understand Finland’s shameful racism problem now threatening our democracy
Prime Minister Petteri Orpo is a weak leader and part of Finland’s racism problem. National Coalition Party (NCP) Prime Minister Petteri Orpo’s government, which has been christened as the Chamber of Horrors by Munich-based daily, Süddeutsche Zeitun, is a disappointing example of how you should not confront racism in this country. Many are rightfully worried about…
Let’s test your level of naivety: Is Finland finally awakening to its “r” problem?
It would be wrong to just blame the Perussuomalaiset (PS)* for Finland’s racism problem. The rise of the PS after the 2011 election would not have been possible without the direct and indirect support of other political parties, the media, and the public. When results of the 2011 election started to appear on television screens,…
Finland’s Prime Minister Orpo’s Pyrrhic victory
The only matter that Prime Minister Petteri Orpo’s embattled government will gain if it does not go under after its chaotic start on 20 June, is a Pyrrhic victory. In today’s press conference with journalists, Orpo defended Finance Minister Riikka Purra’s apology for her violent and racist comments made in 2008 when she was a…