The government of Prime Minister Orop plans to tighten the already vulnerable situation of undocumented migrants in Finland, according to a statement by the ministry of social affairs and health. “Removing the right of illegal residents [undocumented migrants] to non-urgent health and social services and social security…” In plain English, non-urgent health services include: There…
Tag: undocumented migrants
The Right to Live citizen’s initiative has over 50,000 signatures – parliament has a moral obligation to grant residence permits to undocumented migrants
The Right to Live (Lupa elää) citizen’s initiative passed through the 50,000 signatures barrier Friday. If passed by parliament, the initiative will grant four-year residence permits to undocumented migrants who came to Finland before January 1, 2017. The ministry of interior published its recommendations on what to do with some 3,000 undocumented migrants who came to Finland…
If Finland believes in its laws, it must give residence permits to undocumented migrants
The ministry of interior published on Thursday its recommendations on what to do with some 3,000 undocumented migrants who came to Finland in 2015-2016. Of this group, about 300 are children living in legal limbo thanks to a 2016 law that abolished granting residence permits on humanitarian grounds. The number of undocumented migrants rose from…
Iraqi asylum seeker family in Kemi is told that they will not get anymore help from the city after Monday
An Iraqi family of two children aged 6 and 5, went to the Kemi social welfare office today to seek help since the family was forced to leave the hotel they were staying at today. According to the father of the family, the social worker told him angrily that he will not get any more…
Some asylum seekers in Finland live in crowded rooms and in dreadful conditions
Below are two picture and a short note from an asylum seeker called Adam who came to Finland in 2012. During his long and painful sojourn in this country, being locked up for a year at the Joutseno immigration removal center to being an undocumented migrant, Adam is now staying at an asylum reception center in the Greater Helsinki area.
Undocumented pensioner and migrant grandmother: “I’m being deported”
Little to no trust in the Finnish police profits those who exploit needy migrants
Migrant Tales gets a steady stream of accounts of exploited asylum seekers by unscrupulous employers. Some of the stories are tragic since they push asylum seekers, who get paid under the table, to do the company’s criminal work.
Undocumented migrant: “I can never leave Finland. That’s a scary thought.”
When we imagine an undocumented migrant in Finland, we usually imagine an Iraqi or Afghan asylum seeker. But what about if that undocumented migrant is an over-sixty-year-old white pensioner from North America?
QUOTE OF THE WEEK: How the Finnish government ostracizes migrants and asylum seekers
Migrant Tales insight: How the Finnish government labels and ostracizes in general migrants/asylum seekers in Finland and undocumented migrants in particular. Do you need more proof why Finland is a hostile place for migrants and minorities? Finnish posting by Jukka Eräkare: Read the original text here. English translation: “In this context, illegal migrants are defined as…