When white people decide what is racism and what the boundaries are, they mess up and make matters worse for migrants, minorities and Others. What are we supposed to make out of this? A well-known anti-immigration activist with ties to neo-Nazi and Islamophobic groups is called in a closed Facebook group by a journalist “a…
Tag: neo nazi
Facebook Soldiers of Odin: Now you see it but not all of it because something is missing
After Facebook temporarily shut the far-right Soldiers of Odin site, it is back up but the violent video the vigilante group posted is no longer there.
Facebook Soldiers of Odin: Before you saw it, now you don’t
It worked! I don’t know if it was because of me, and I am certain that many complained to Facebook about a far-right Soldiers of Odin posting. The video threatened acts of violence about how the pedophile hunting season started.
Facebook Soldiers of Odin: Asylum seeker and migrant hunting season have kicked off…
Far-right vigilante group Soldiers of Odin want to take the law in their hands by hunting pedophiles. After a bla-bla-bla Finnish macho rant, one of the vigilante members takes a club and starts threatening suspected “paedophiles,” which is a word used to mean asylum seekers. The masked vigilante warns in the video: “Pedophiles and raunchy…
Turku appeal court of Finland upholds earlier decision to ban neo-Nazi PVL group
Migrant Tales was happy to hear that the appeal court in Turku has upheld an earlier decision by the Pirkanmaa district court in Tampere to ban in Finland the neo-Nazi Nordic Resistance Movement (PVL) and Pohjoinen Perinne (Nordic Tradition Group), a PVL –linked group, according to YLE News.
Neo-Nazi activist Tornianen’s presence at a HIFK-HJK football rally and game raises concern
Neo-Nazi Kansallinen vastarinta (SVL) activist, Eppu Tornianen’s presence at a rival football HIFK and HJK rally and game Monday, raised concern. He was seen carrying an HIFK banner in the front row and then watching the game with other fans.
Kärkkäinen: A company that believes racism, anti-Semitism and homophobic views sit well with the Finnish consumer and public
We have to thank our vigilant contributor Ana María Gutiérrez-Sorainen for exposing another underhanded trick by Juha Kärkkäinen to slip through the back door his anti-cultural diversity, anti-Semitic and homophobic views in KauppaSuomi, a advertising newspaper to promote and showcase his company’s products.
Finnish Neo-Nazi thugs suspected of assaulting a man in broad daylight
How is it possible that a man is beaten up in broad daylight next to the Helsinki Railway Station next to a gathering of Neo-Nazis? How is it possible that this far-right group, which calls itself Kansallinen vastarintaliike (SVL), allegedly beat up the person, who is sent unconscious to the hospital to die six days later from cerebral hemorrhages?
Far right Olli Immonen is a thankless MP to the PS and Timo Soini
Some politicians, like Perussuomalaiset (PS)* MP Olli Immonen live in a bubble inflated by their rhetoric and delusions. We got a taste of his hateful ideology in July, when he declared war on “the nightmare of multiculturalism” and how he vowed that “his fighters” will “fight until the end for our homeland.”
Nazi flag hoisted in northern Finnish refugee center
A Nazi flag was hoisted Friday night at a refugee center in the northern Finnish city of Tornio, writes tabloid Iltalehti. The refugee center, which started operating last week and houses 200 refugees, is located at a folk high school. The Nazi flag was taken down after it was noticed by students at the school. Iltalehti writes…