Two high level meetings of EU political leaders in one week might encourage the belief that something positive is going to be done to address the tragedies of the last few days on the Mediterranean. But if the heads of government statement that emerged last Thursday is anything to go by it is clear that lessons are not being learnt.
Tag: EU immigration policy
HS: Kristillisten Päivi Räsänen ottaa vastuun maahanmuuttoasioista
Tuleva sisäministeri Päivi Räsänen (kd) saa hoitaakseen maahanmuuttoasiat. Jyrki Kataisen (kok) ensimmäisessä hallituksessa ei ole edellisen hallituksen tapaan erillistä maahanmuuttoministeriä vaan nämä tehtävät siirtyvät sisäministerin hoidettavaksi.
Does Finland and Europe need a civil rights movement?
One of the things that has surprised me about this blog are the overtly racist comments. These types of opinions resemble how some whites saw blacks in the United States before the civil rights movement. I do not think it has anything to do with expressing one’s opinions freely nor that some Finns and Europeans…
Illegal immigration in Finland and the European Union
The approval on June 18 by the European Parliament (click on T6-0293) of a common EU policy on illegal immigration is going to fail for a very simple reason — there is a market for these types of immigrants and because they provide bad employers a chance to cheat the system and slash overheads. The…