Far-right populism is an illness inflicting Europe at present and it now has a beachhead in Finland. Migrant Tales (18.4.2011) About 20% – if not more – of Finnish voters are racist di**heads. Few, if any, were alarmed by the Perussuomalaiset (PS)* victory in the 2011 election, which raised the number of MPs to 39…
Tag: Racism
Sentencing for aggravated defamation of a respected scholar on racism raises a lot of questions
The sentencing of a respected scholar on racism of aggravated defamation by a Turku Court is more of a warning to others who may protest against ethnic profiling by security guards and the police. The verdict raises a lot of answered questions. One of these is why was the seventeen-year-old put in handcuffs for not…
A future in the rearview mirror: Four years of reflection of an immigrant in Finland
As the ‘car’ is effectively unreliable so there were more than just frequent stops to fuel more hate and share some racism to ‘touch base’ and distract the curious followers questioning the destination.
Finnish JHL union sees and reacts to the racist government elephant in the room
Few will deny in the face of racism scandals in the summer of 2023 that the government’s anti-racism plan is a cover-up, according to the Trade Union for the Public and Welfare Sectors (JHL). “We thank warmly all experts who have participated in the planning of this [government anti-racism Action Plan] campaign for their good…
The elephant in the room and Finland’s hostile environment against migrants
Finland’s xenophobic message has been based for years on lies. Instead of lying, why not ratchet up the hostile environment against migrants and minorities? Be honest with yourself. The government is now spearheading these lies to justify their inhumane and counterproductive policies. Just like in the UK in 2012, Finland is passing laws to make…
Finnish justice ministry plans to slash Council for Mass Media’s aid
A widely criticized decision by Perussuomalaiset (PS)* Justice Minister Leena Meri to slash the Council for Mass Media’s (JSN) aid next year, should not only be seen as another step by the PS and government to undermine the role of the media. JSN Chairperson Eero Hytönen said in Journalisti that it was “a political decision…
Riikka Purra’s dilemma: “Am I Riikka or ‘riikka?'”
The far-right terrorism and riots in the UK are raising a lot of questions about how the government would react in a similar situation. Some, likePerussuomalaiset (PS)* Finance Minister Riikka Purra, expose schizophrenic behavior. Sometimes she is the heartless finance minister slashing the budget and bringing misery to the most vulnerable segments of the population,…
Karolina Budzisz: Tales of our own
Migrant Tales insight: Throughout the years, Migrant Tales has received a lot of recognition. The latest one is from Karolina Budzisz, who wrote her thesis on anti-racism voices in Finland. During the past seventeen years, we have kept true to our goal: It aims to be a voice for those whose views and situation are…
Human Rights in Finland should be our struggle’s clarion call
“To deny people their human rights is to challenge their very humanity.” Nelson Mandela The passage on Friday of the pushback law with the support of the Social Democrats, demonstrates that we have entered uncharted waters. We should not be naive to think that the shelving of human rights, undermining our constitution, and turning our…
MEP Henna Virkkunen: A future EU commissioner of Finland who would care less for the fate of those crossing into the EU
National Coalition Party MEP Henna Virkkunen is hoping to become an EU commissioner. However, there is a question: Is a person qualified if he or she would care less or very little if people die when coming to Europe? In the 2019 MEP election, she responded in the Alma Meter election compass in the affirmative…