The US presidential election’s long-anticipated result bore fruit on Saturday with Joe Biden projected as Pennsylvania’s winner and getting him over the 270 electoral threshold defeating incumbent Donald Trump. Four years of political capriciousness and reckless buffoonery by Trump came to an end. It has been a terrible and exhausting four years following a man…
Tag: United States
US elections: Will November 3, 2020, be a day of continued infamy or new hope?
Four years ago, I wrote about the surprise US presidential election, which elected Donald Trump. I compared the election outcome to Franklin D. Roosevelt’s famous words after the attack on Pearl Harbor by the Japanese. He said that the surprise attack on December 7, 1942, was “a date that will live in infamy.” Four years…
If racism costs the US $16 trillion, how much has it cost Finland?
The Islamophobic Perussuomalaiset (PS)* have been quick to point out how much migrants (all?!) are an economic burden to Finland. A new study by Citigroup claims that ethnic inequality and inequity have cost the US a staggering $16 trillion! While parties like the PS and other ones who follow their racist tune believe that social…
Exposing white Finnish privilege #72: False police reporting is an example of violence and open hostility
White Finnish privilege is powerful since you can use the police to project the need for defense and protection. In the United States, we saw two viral examples (see below) involving Amy Cooper and Lisa Alexander. For those who don’t remember, Cooper is the “Central Park Karen” for false reporting to the police. She falsely…
Are Donald Trump and his critics interested in #BlackLivesMatter, social equality, and change?
Thanks to the United States, Latin America has suffered human rights abuses, poverty, exploitation, and a long line of dictators. The latest coup we saw in that part of the world was in Bolivia when Jeanine Áñez usurped power and named herself president. I lived under a ruthless dictatorship in Argentina. Memories from those times…
Twitter (The Daily Show): President Trump is the “+100,000 charlatan”
The video clip by The Daily Show does not need anymore elaboration except for barf bag to expell his administration’s outright lies and toxicity. Viewer discrtion is advised when looking at the video below. Thank you @zuzeeko for the heads-up.
Jussi Halla-aho is President Donald Trump’s Finnish cheerleader
The Islamophobic and populist Perussuomalaiset (PS) is a party that attempts to revindicate far-right racists on the rampage and its leader, Jussi Halla-aho, is US President Donald Trump’s enthusiastic cheerleader. Halla-aho, who has a conviction for ethnic agitation, breaching the sanctity of religion and being a racist smartass, stated his undying admiration for a president…
What would Jussi Halla-aho and the PS say if Harvey Weinstein lived in Finland? Would anti-Semitism spiral out of control?
If there is one party that racializes sexual assaults, especially committed by Muslims, that party is without a doubt the Perussuomalaiset (PS)*. Its chairperson Jussi Halla-aho, first vice-president Riikka Purra, MP Sebastian Tynkkynen, and the rest of the 36 MPs of their party in parliament. All of them, the 39 PS MPs, used Islamophobia and…
(Racism Review) Trump’s policies: Killing immigrant Latino children
Posted: 25 Jun 2019 04:57 PM PDT Tweet As I plan a beautiful summer filled with fun with my family, my heart is heavy knowing that there are hundreds of immigrant children from Latin America who are locked up in modern day concentration camps–U.S. detention centers. These children are waking up on concrete floors, do…
Racism, Anti-Semitism and Islamophobia: Words can turn into bullets and corpses
Recently we have seen the consequences of hatred towards minorities in the United States: The cold-blooded shooting of an alt-right suspect that attacked a synagogue killing 11 people in Pittsburgh, the killing of two African Americans in Louisville, and mail bombs sent to Democrats and liberals who oppose President Donald Trump.