One of the big questions that the Hesburger employee debacle proves is that Finnish unions, the police, and state regulators don’t take the law seriously enough. Migrant Tales has cited numerous cases where employers exploited foreigners. It’s clear that if their employers exploit some migrants, it happens as well to white Finns. A group of former and present Hesburger…
Tag: unions
Dominic-Savior Chukwu: How to avoid migrant exploitation in the Finnish labor market
Dominic-Savior Chukwu’s BA thesis addresses some of the challenges that immigrants face when employed at a Finnish company. Apart from practical problems like understanding the work contract that he or she will sign, some immigrants are apprehensive about demanding their rights. Chukwu’s states that some migrants come from countries where there are inadequate labor laws…
Intolerance is a wonderful weapon to exploit newcomers and strike a blow to organized labor
There’s little chance to stop Finland from becoming an ever-growing class society or that its suspicion of immigrants and visible minorities will lessen anytime soon. Our greater intolerance of other groups won’t only be fueled by our prejudice and loathing, but by Finland’s “other” that will be more than happy to oblige. Some immigrants and…