Helsingin Sanomat goes to some length in a story about the Perussuomalaiset (PS)* being referred to by the chairperson of the Social Democratic Pary (PSOE), Pedro Sánchez, as a “far-right” party. We could not agree more to Pedro Sánchez’ description of the PS as a far-right party.
Tag: True Finns
Facebook: The “True Finn” versus the Saami woman
Migrant Tales insight: What is this party that steals and hogs Finnish identity for itself and decides who is or isn’t a “true Finn?” They are called the Perussuomalaiset in Finnish, which means something like “basic” or “fundamental” Finn. After calling themselves True Finns in English they went for it all by calling themselves “the…
Perussuomalaiset: True, Basic or Elementary Finns?
I called the Perussuomalaiset’s party today in Helsinki and asked them what their official name in English was: “True Finns is the official adopted name,” a male voice said. Migrant Tales’ oldest bloggers, Jonas, has mentioned a number of times the contradiction between the Finnish and English translation of the word perus. I apologize to Jonas for not debating more thoroughly the translation.
HS: Perussuomalaisten Teuvo Hakkaraiselle kaikki eduskunnassa oli uutta
Here is a pretty incredible video of newly elected Teuvo Hakkarainen who appears to have never seen or met a foreigner in his life. Folks, here is one face of the Perussuomalaiset and it’s a pretty crude one.
YLE: Halla-aho to Chair Committee in Charge of Immigration
True Finns have nominated candidates for chairing the parliamentary committees they have received leadership over. Jussi Halla-aho, who has sternly criticised immigration in his blog, is to become chairman of the Administration Committee, the responsibilities of which include immigration policies.
True Finns: The first and last act of a tragic-comic play
Even if Finland has changed politically after Sunday’s election, there has been a greater about-turn among some True Finns. One particular group that from the anti-immigration Nuiva manifesto group now attempt to appear like respectable elected MPs conveniently brushing under the rug those terrible things they said about immigrants.
Finland election: A message that goes much deeper
After the election victory of the True Finns on Sunday, sensible Finns are asking Timo Soini’s party to bite the bullet and leave behind the rhetoric and racism that has tainted his party. But this may be easier said than done.
HS: Halla-aho refuses to comment on controversial blog entries
Blog article from 2005 questions notion of human equality
Jussi Halla-aho, a nationalist politician from Helsinki, got 14,884 votes in Sunday’s Parliamentary elections, winning him a seat in Parliament on the True Finns party ticket. Halla-aho had established a reputation with his writings on the Internet.
Demari: Syrjinnällä ei sijaa hallituspolitiikassa
Eduskuntavaalien tulos huolestuttaa suurta osaa kansaa. Perussuomalaisten suurvoiton pelätään muuttavan Suomen maaksi, jossa suvaitsevaisuutta, kansainvälisyyttä ja monikulttuurisuutta arvostavat eivät tunne oloaan kotoiseksi. Monet uhkaavat muuttaa muualle.
Suomen Kuvalehti.fi: Arvovaalit? Päinvastoin
Kun maahanmuuttovastaisuudestaan tunnetut ruotsidemokraatit viime syksynä näyttivät tuplaavan äänimääränsä Ruotsin valtiopäivillä, ruotsalainen yhteiskunta, media sen mukana, ryhtyi vastarintaan.