The Center Party of Finland is a liability to the future of Prime Minister Sanna Marin’s government. We already saw how they forced former Prime Minister Antti Rinne to resign. And then, we witnessed Finance Minister Katri Kulmuni’s Instagram poll. Kulmuni’s post not only exposed her total disregard for human lives and the country’s international…
Tag: social ills
QUOTE OF THE DAY: The victim of rape and racism
“What similarities are there between the victim of rape and racism? Deniers of rape blame the woman for causing the man to rape her. Deniers of racism blame the victim for causing the man or woman to insult him or her. Racism feels like being raped. Racism and rape are chronic social ills. Arguments used…
QUOTE OF THE WEEK: Racism is everywhere. Our denial allows us to pin it on one group
“When people speak of racism in Finland they refer to the Perussuomalaiset* and Blue Reform. They do so to wash their hands of the social ill by claiming that it is a minority fringe group that is the country’s racism problem. Racism is everywhere in Finland and so well-entrenched that it forms part of our…
Why do some dark-skinned children in Finland fear the sun?
There are many ways to measure how racism works on a day-by-day level and structurally in our society. Umayya Abu-Hanna wrote a while back how Finland’s middle class makes sure that migrants and minorities can never compete economically, politically and culturally on an equal level with white Finns.
Thank you for the Herätys Suomi! Racism is Real! video
Migrant Tales would like to personally thank Susheela, Albulena, Henrik, Nadia, Osman, Nawal, Sadek, Dizzy, Christian, Salomon, and Edna for making this video below on racism in Finland.
Study: Homophobia and racism hinder young minority athletes from joining Finnish sports clubs
Helsingin Sanomat reported that homophobia and racism are two factors that hinder young minority athlietes from joining a Finnish sports club, according to a study. If the story is true it is not only another indication that some Finns live tucked deep in the values of the previous century, but for this to be going on still today is shameful, self-defeating and above all unacceptable.
Why write about a Somali immigrant who died in Oulu, Finland?
One of the matters that has surprised me most after Migrant Tales scooped more information about the tragic death of a Somali national in Oulu Monday is total disrespect for the victim. Finland and the Nordic region have not been the same after the April election and when Anders Breivik went on the rampage in Norway in July killing 77 victims.
Somali victim of Oulu, Finland: The tragedy that brings us closer to the problem
The reaction and threads concerning the tragic death of a Somali national in Oulu, Finland, Tuesday after three white Finnish suspects entered his home by force reveals the strong divide between “us” and “them.”We still have a long ways to go as a society to deal with social ills like discrimination. Paradoxically, tragedies like what happened in Oulu bring us ever-closer to the issue.
What should an immigrant do if he cannot find work in Finland?
What should you do if you live in Finland and cannot find employment? The lucky ones can move to another country but for many it is a crude dead-end street lined with little hope: fragmented work life, lower salary than average, health problems and, worse, discrimination that will discourage you to integrate.