It is also obvious the non-action of the government on what their plan for the Finnish-Riussian border needs to be addressed. Just keepiing the Saimaa Canal closed costs the Finnish economy millions, now even billions if road transport is added to it. Not to mention the disrupted family lives from which the largest immigrant community…
Tag: Social Democratic Party
Perussuomalaiset support heads south
There was good news if you are against us-and-them rhetoric, Islamophobia, and support for US President Donald Trump’s policies and persona. A poll published Thursday by Yle showed that the southward direction of the Perussuomalaiaset (PS)* party continued to head south. Compared with a similar poll on December 9, 2019-January 8, 2020, support for the…
Abdirahim Husu Hussein: One matter is the racist attacks but far worse is the indiffernce of the SDP and other political parties
In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends. Martin Luther King Jr. (1929-1968) THIS STORY WAS UPDATED Setting aside the racist attacks and harassment that Social Democratic (SDP) Helsinki city Councilperson Abdirahim Husu Hussein received due to a tweet, why are members of his party…
Vote in the European elections but not for the “let them drown” candidates
Forty-one percent of Finnish MEP candidates who answered Alma Media’s election compass stated that they either “strongly disagree,” “disagree” or are “neutral” (have no opinion) concerning the following claim: “Is it the obligation of the EU to save all those migrants who attempt to come to Europe and who are at risk of drowning in the Mediterranean?”
Abdirahim Husu Hussein: It’s time for change
Have you applied for a rental property from your city but have had to wait for years simply because of your foreign name, while witnessing Finnish names get served within max 6 months? Over 100 cases have been recorded so far.
Nasima Razmyar and the Social Democrats: Do one thing, say another
Could somebody explain how a politician like MP called Nasima Razmyar of the Social Democratic Party can speak against deportations when her vote in parliament last year was partly responsible for the deportation that took place on Monday?
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Finland’s ever-growing crisis of undocumented migrants is the government’s and Social Democratic Party’s doing
Thanks to the 107 MPs listed below that voted on April 13 to approve law 2/2016 that did away with granting residence permits on humanitarian grounds, Finland faces today an unprecedented rise of undocumented migrants.
PS MP Tolppanen’s defection to the SDP is a good example that racism in Finland is still a debate between white people
A lot of people were surprised Wednesday to hear that former Perussuomalaiset (PS)* MP Maria Tolppanen, who has made some pretty racist statements in the past, has defected to the Social Democrats (SDP).
Is Finland swapping Nordic values like social equality for social inequality?
Social Democratic Party (SDP) MEP Liisa Jaakonsaari gives a good interview to Helsingin Sanomat about the government’s 80-point plan to tighten immigration policy that not only targets asylum seekers but impacts negatively the whole migrant and minority community of Finland.