Khadidiatou Sylla gave a talk at Turin’s Casarcobaleno this month together with Mor Ndaiye about life in Italy. There was a lot of intersectionality that came out in her talk: being black, being a woman, third culture, West African, Italian cultural and ethnic diversity, among others. Education and labor markets in Europe are highly racialized…
Tag: segregation
Would Martin Luther King Jr. defined his scorn for white moderates as “tolkun ihmiset?”
There’s been a lot of debate about the so-called tolkun ihminen in Finland to help politicians and public officials to do little to nothing to challenge racism and discrimination in Finland. Migrant Tales has defined the concept and context of tolkun ihminen when disgraced President Richard Nixon praised the silent majority of a small Oklahoma town called Muskogee.
QUOTE OF THE DAY: A good one about cultural appropriation
“That blackness on your face it will come off, won’t it? You wipe that blackness off, and they’ll treat you like a man. We black, in a white man’s country, it ain’t nothing we can do about it. If you don’t understand that you don’t understand nothing.” John Marriott in Black like me (1964)* …
Institute of Race Relations: A secret punishment
An important new report by Medical Justice, ‘A Secret Punishment’ – the misuse of segregation in immigration detention, highlights the human damage caused by the use of segregation in immigration detention, as well as its political purposes.