Remember the hostile reception that Romany beggars have got in the past from some Helsinki municipal politicians like mayor Jussi Pajunen, Christian Democrat Interior Minister Päivi Räsänen, Perussuomalaiset (PS) MPs like Olli Immonen and National Coalition Party MP Arto Satonen, who wants to make begging illegal? The Finnish police now claims that Romanian and Bulgarian…
Tag: Romania
How the Finnish police and media spread prejudice against Romanians and the Romany minority
Here is a good example of how the police and media treat certain immigrant and ethnic groups publicly. A story on YLE tells us that the overwhelming amount of grand larceny cases committed by foreigners in Finland are by Lithuanians. The majority of suspected grand larceny cases in Finland are committed by Lithuanians. Why…
Broadcasting hatred and racism against Romanis from Bulgaria and Romania
I was surprised to listen on Thursday morning to Anssi Honkanen’s and Renne Korppila’s Aamupoika radio program on NRJ about Bulgarian and Romanian Romanis that come to Finland to beg. If you want to find the sources of Finnish racism and loathing for the Romany minority, tune into their morning program. The program said, and this is not…
Let’s stop fooling ourselves about the Romany minority in Finland and Europe
I’ve been following with disappointment the stories published in the Finnish media about the East European Romany minority beggars coming to Finland. If politicians don’t get it, it’s pretty clear that a part of the media never mind the public won’t either. Social ills like xenophobia, prejudice and racism are not “fixed” in a few days, months or years but take generations for the wounds to heal.
ESS: Ylen romaniohjelma sai palkinnon
Ylen A-studion juttu Romanien paluu on saanut Euroopan parlamentin tämän vuoden journalismipalkinnon. Toimittaja Tero Koskisen ohjelma kertoo romaniaikuisten ja -lasten oloista karavaanialueella Helsingissä. Palkintoraati katsoi, että aihe on mielenkiintoinen tämän päivän Euroopassa. Se myös kiitteli siitä, että ohjelmassa annettiin puheenvuoro romaneille itselleen ja valotettiin paikallista näkökulmaa. Palkinto jaettiin neljässä eri sarjassa: lehdistö, internet, televisio ja radio. Romanien paluu esitettiin A-studiossa 21. huhtikuuta 2010.