MT comment: Anti-immigration and anti-EU Perussuomalaiset party MP Reijo Tossavainen claims in a blog entry that refugees get more financial help in Finland than anywhere else in Europe. Tossavainen cites a Tampere-based daily Aamulehti article from 2009, which is simply wrong. Distorting the facts to make a xenophobic and racist point is nothing new in Finland…
Tag: Reijo Tossavainen
What happens when you dilute a term like racism?
Ignorance is a crucial factor that still holds Finland back from tackling effectively a social ill like racism. If it’s not seen as an issue, very little will be done to challenge it. Add to the latter the fact that even some of our elected representatives in parliament don’t know the difference between racism and…
Have the PS and MP Tossavainen of Finland ever heard of the Non-Discrimination Act?
If the future of Finland were ever left to the populist Perussuomalaiset (PS) party, it’s quite certain that this country would be doomed. The ones that would suffer the most would be immigrants and visible minorities. Outright discrimination would be the rule. The PS, who should know better, sent a formal request to the council…