The 44,746 deaths of people attempting to cross the Mediterranean and deaths due to Fortress Europe policies are another black spot on Europe. The deaths span from 1993 to June 1. Our indifference and apathy to this humanitarian crisis make the Mediterranean and Europe grow into a grave with unknown and forgotten people. Indifference is…
Tag: Refugee crisis
Finland’s and fortress Europe’s razorblade chicken feed response to the refugee crisis
Finland and Europe are looking more lost than ever concerning the refugee crisis and this has been shamelessly exposed in the raw at the EU’s Malta summit. If we fail in resolving the crisis as a region we will face another problem that will be many times worse than what is happening now: Fuel and stoke the fires of xenophobia at the cost of our values.
The Finnish government’s wishy-washy and surreal stand on racism
The leadership of Center Party Prime Minister Juha Sipilä, Finance Minister Alexsander Stubb of the National Coalition Party never mind Perussuomalaiset (PS)* Foreign Minister Timo Soini is disgraceful and will go down as one of the low points in Finland’s history.
Perussuomalaiset party wants Finland to turn back asylum seekers from Sweden
The populist anti-immigration Perussuomalaiset (PS)* party’s parliamentary group wants to turn back asylum seekers that are entering the country from Sweden to the northern city of Tornio, reports YLE in English. The PS are the only party in Finland making such a demand.
Saido Mohamed: How much good will is there in Finland for asylum seekers?
In the early 1990s Finland was in the midst of one of its worst recessions in a century, when unemployment rocketed to about 20%. The number of migrants back then was relatively small totaling in 1992 a mere 37,642 and accounting for only 0.7% of the total population.
Institute of Race Relations: When solidarity fails
In observations made at a side-meeting of the 87th session of the Committee for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD),[1] the IRR’s director warned that Europe’s mishandling of the refugee crisis is fuelling racism.
Finland’s PM offers his home to refugees – how long will it take for the PS to exit government?
Finnish Prime Minister Juha Sipilä’s announcement Saturday that he’d offer his home to refugees is not only a good attempt by the government to steer Finland back to the direction of other Western European nations in the refugee ongoing crisis but a clear show of leadership that has been lacking.
Finland to reduce refugee quota in 2016
In order to accommodate refugees under a European Commision (EC) plan to spread refugees throughout the community, Finnish Broadcasting Company (YLE) understands that Finland’s refugee quota will drop to 750 in 2016. The current quota was raised last year to 1,000 due to the humanitarian crisis in Syria.