Seeking asylum and/or a better life is not a crime. What is one to think of plans by the new government to use electronic ankle tags to monitor the movements of asylum seekers whose asylum application is rejected. Is it ok? How would you like to wear an electronic ankle tag? Would it enhance your…
Tag: racism in Finland
Migrant Tales (July 8, 2012): The absurdity of the reverse-racism argument in Finland
Every now and then you’ll hear a visitor on Migrant Tales claim: What about [reverse] racism against [white] Finns!? Racism is a complex problem but one matter singles it out: It is an effective tool to socially exclude, control and exploit other groups in society from vital resources such as jobs and economic wealth.
Suomen Arvovaalit? Päinvastoin
Kun maahanmuuttovastaisuudestaan tunnetut ruotsidemokraatit viime syksynä näyttivät tuplaavan äänimääränsä Ruotsin valtiopäivillä, ruotsalainen yhteiskunta, media sen mukana, ryhtyi vastarintaan.
YLE: Ruotsalaisministeri huolissaan Suomen kielikeskustelusta
Ruotsin hallituksessa tunnetaan huolta suomenruotsalaisten asemaa koskevasta keskustelusta Suomessa. Muun muassa vähemmistökysymyksistä vastaava integraatioministeri Erik Ullenhage on huolissaan Suomen keskustelun sävystä, joka on tuttu muualtakin Euroopasta.
YLE: True Finns Publish Election Manifesto
Comment: The first thing that struck me about the True Finns’ sixty-nine-page election manifesto was the first sentence. It states that the True Finns are a party based on “honesty, justice, humanity, equality, respect for work and entrepreneurship as well as spiritual growth.” The terms that especially caught my eye were “humanity” and “equality.” When…
Vihreä Lanka: Suomalainen puolue järjestää Muhammed-hevitapahtuman: ”Mautonta!”
Suomen islamilaisen neuvoston tiedottaja Isra Lehtinen pitää ”Crushing The Balls of Muhammad” -hevi-iltaa mauttomana.
Anti-Immigrant: calling a spade a spade in Finland
The use of the term maahanmuuttokriittinen, or immigration critic, reveals what some journalists think about immigration to or in Finland. It can very well reveal that the journalist may hold the same opinions of anti-immigration groups.
EDITORIAL: Finnish immigration debate
Is the present one-sided and passionate debate on immigration in Finland going to turn ugly? Minister for Foreign Affairs Alexander Stubb poured some needed cold water on the debate by stating that it “reeks of racism, nationalism, populism, and xenophobia.”
Racism debate: Finland today – United States in the 1970s
Some Finns that claim today that they are automatically labelled racists if they speak out against immigration resembles very much the atmosphere in the United States in the early 1970s, when blacks started to win legal as well as social rights after the civil rights movement.
Xenophobic death threats to the Finnish government
The most recent death threats to some members of Finland’s government reported by Nelonen television by some fanatics is in some cases the doing of the politicians, who have not spoken out strongly enough against racism but have by and large preferred to remain silent on the matter.