The Finnish media, including Prime Minister Petteri Orpo, have attacked in mob fashion Kimmo Kiljunen, member of the Social Democratic Party and chairperson of the foreign affairs committee, for speaking candidly to representatives of the Alexander Union, a Finnish-Russian association, about the Finnish-Russian border as well as other matters. Today, an editorial by Helsingin Sanomat…
Tag: pushback law
Ahti Tolvanen*: Finland’s pushback law undermines the rule of law
The problem with this law is that it calls into question the whole idea of the rule of law. It allows the Finnish government to declare that there is a threat at the border of a “hybrid invasion”.This declaration can be made based on secret security information the government may claim to have and no…
Finland should ask the EU to ditch Human Rights altogether. Why should we care less for refugees?
The depths of Finnish hypocrisy continue to find new records with President Alexander Stubb. Finland entered uncharted waters a week ago after the pushback law was passed, which compromised the country’s human rights, the Constitution, and international agreements. The president’s hubris and anti-Russian sentiment were exposed for everyone to witness when he said that the pushback law…
12 July 2024 was Finland’s day of infamy for Human Rights and the rule of law
Finland’s controversial pushback law received in parliament the needed two-thirds majority to turn away people seeking asylum at the border. One hundred sixty-seven MPs voted for the law while 31 voted against it. Critics of the law argue that it conflicts with the Constitution, Human Rights, and international agreements signed by Finland with the United…
The pushback law will be remembered as a day of infamy for Human Rights in Finland
Finland’s parliament will vote today for the pushback law law that should b seen as another nail in the coffin of Finland’s experiment in being a more open country based on Human Rights. After Finland became an EU member in 1995, many monumental legal changes changes were made, like the drafting of the new constitution…
The elephant in the room that shows us the way to Hungary, and wishful political thinking in Finland
How can the government be so worried about “national security” if you are ready to trash our most sacred rights like Human Rights, the Constitution, and international agreements? The Draft Act on Temporary Measures to Combat Instrumentalised Migration, or the so-called pushback law, is not only concerning how the constitutional committee can sidestep our most sacred values…
Pushback law: A day that will live in infamy, a day when the government attempts to legalize illegality
THE STORY WAS UPDATED The Finnish government announced Tuesday a day that will live in infamy when it introduced to parliament Tuesday the Draft Act on Temporary Measures to Combat Instrumentalised Migration, or the so-called pushback law. In a nutshell, researcher Milka Sormunen sums up in a good essay what the law is all about: legalizing…
Finland’s pushback law will cause death, suffering, and loss of face
National Coalition Party Prime Minister Petteri Orpo’s government is drafting a new pushback law that permits Finland to subvert human rights, international law, and the rights enshrined in its constitution. Even if the law gets approval from parliament, it will not solve but worsen the problem at the Finnish-Russian border. Considering that Perussuomalaiset (PS)* Interior…