The management of the Laajakoski asylum reception center located near the Finnish southeast city of Kotka, is reported to have given the green light for the 250-odd refugees at the center to take Finnish-language courses for 250 euros a month.
Tag: poor management
Luona, Kolari, Villa Meri, Keuruu, Laajakoski asylum reception centers in Finland that are shameful examples
When asked about how the government reacted to the 32,476 asylum seekers that came to Finland in 2015, the answer is simple: The government of Prime Minister Juha Sipilä states that they did a good job in finding shelter for such people. Well, sort of…
UPDATE: How can a rape of an adolescent visitor happen at the Villa Meri asylum reception center?
Migrant Tales published Thursday a story about a list of complaints of the Villa Meri asylum reception center in Rauma, located 91 kilometers north of the southwestern city of Turku. The reception the story got was quite a surprise considering that present and former volunteers of Villa Meri accused me of racism, hating all asylum seekers, hating all reception center workers, and of having an agenda.