As Finland plans to open two of its eight border crossing points Thursday, Interior Minister Mari Rantanen was busy on A-studio spreading her usual bravado and get-tough-on-migrant soundbites earmarked principally for the Perussuomalaiset (PS)* party’s supporters. Rantanen has a funny habit of smiling after a difficult comment. According to her, some 900 asylum seekers were…
Tag: Poland
Movies like Agnieszka Holland’s “Green Border” are needed more than ever today
Thanks to Agnieszka Holland’s “Green Border” we can now get a terrific glimpse of the suffering of asylum seekers who were used as political pawns by Belarus and Poland. Since it would have been impossible to film the movie in Belarus or Poland, Holland created a movie with actors to debict these people’s suffering. Writes…
The EU’s double standards on the treatment of refugees are out of step with its alleged values
There is mounting evidence about how Polish and Ukrainian border guards openly discriminate against non-Ukrainians and minorities like the Roma fleeing war as well as attacks by Polish nationalists. The commissioner for home affairs and migration, Ylva Johansson, has only words of praise. “We can expect a lot of EU unity and EU solidarity towards…
Ukrainians battle against the Russians but do little with the Poles to fight racism
Shameful and racist treatment. Ukrainian train conductors push back on Africans fleeing the war while Polish border officials don’t permit Africans to enter Poland, reports The Guardian. Just like when Poland fenced out Middle East asylum seekers in November from entering the country, which even led to the death of children from hyperthemia, Africans are facing the same…
Far-right groups and anti-immigration extremists in Finland and Europe flirt with fascism
When far-right groups and anti-immigration extremists flirt with fascism nothing good can ever come out of it. Even if it sounds incredible, we have in Finland our own holocaust deniers or those who claim the Nuremberg Trials were a farce. Psychopaci s? w?ród nas
Ku oburzeniu dobrych chrze?cijan policja poinformowa?a, ?e Breivik jest „chrze?cija?skim fundamentalist?”. Trzeba si? pogodzi? i z tym, ?e „chrze?cija?ski fundamentalizm” istnieje, ?e jest równie, a mo?e bardziej gro?ny ani?eli fundamentalizmy laickie.