THIS STORY WAS UPDATED The Finnish parliament voted Friday not to lift Juha Mäenpää’s parliamentary immunity, which needed a five-sixths majority; 121 voted in favor and 54 against. A total of 24 MPs were absent. Those who voted against were 37 Perussuomalaiset Party MPs, 6 Center Party MPs, 5 Christian Democrat MPs, 4 National Coalition…
Tag: Perussuomalasiet
Does data harvesting occur in Finland? Is there a connection beween the PS’ 2011 and Donald Trump’s election of 2016?
In the face of the growing scandal about harvesting our personal data by groups like Cambridge Analytica and others, there is a question that needs investigating and answering: Did the Perussuomalaiset (PS)*, particularly Matias Turkkila and his Hommaforum gang, use the same tactics to give the PS its historic victory in 2011?
Exposing white Finnish privilege #45: Do blondes have more fun?
In the 1960s in the United States, there was a saying: Blondes have more fun.
Do they? Considering all the sexual harassment charges going on these days, being a blonde could be hell for a woman.
White Finnish privilege #29: Your family is worth less than mine
There has been a lot of debate about the present government tightening further family reunification laws. It shouldn’t come to any surprise that such measures not only reveal hostility towards asylum seekers, migrants, and minorities but are an example of white Finnish privilege in its most extreme forms.
We are all responsible in Finland for feeding the ogre of racism and hate speech
Those groups that are responsible for the rise of populism, racism and hate speech in Finland aren’t those that promote it but by those who stand by with their silence. They are the ones Martin Luther King Jr referred to as “the good people,” or “the silence of the good people is more dangerous than the brutality of the bad people.”
UPDATE (September 21): Migrant Tales’ 2015 Hall of Poor and Sloppy Journalism
Migrant Tales’ 2015 Hall of Poor and Sloppy Journalism will be updated separately. To see other examples of opinionated journalism in Finland about cultural diversity, please go to this link. September 21 Iraqis on Facebook warn compatriots against coming to Finland – (YLE in English) Why is this story an example of opinionated journalism? It’s clear that…
Dear little boy washed ashore…
In May we learned about a Dear little girl at sea who was kind enough to look the other way as she floated lifelessly in Mediterranean waters.
The Perussuomalaiset is a racist and far right party because…
No matter how much Perussuomalaiset (PS)* Matti Purkonen, MP Sampo Terho or Timo Soini assure us that they are against racism and fascism, the more they incriminate their party. Renouncing racism and far right ideology would be tantamount to committing political hara-kiri for the PS.
Reija Härkönen: Suomen pojat, muistakaa!
Suomen isät ja äidit, koittakaa nyt pitää tarkka huoli murrosikäisistä pojistanne ja heidän kasvustaan miehiksi. Kansanedustajien nettikeskusteluista päätellen toilailut tyttöjen kanssa, tyttöjen joukkohäirintä ja seksuaalinen ahdistelu eivät tästedes kenties johda pelkästään ehdottomaan vankeusrangaistukseen, vaan myös maastakarkoitukseen tai kansantuomioistuimen teloitukseen.
Migrants need greater voting rights in Europe to challenge the far right and ultranationaistic menace
Bashy Quraishy made recently a very valid point on his Facebook wall: “Active political participation, voting in large numbers and support for the friendly politicians is Alpha and Omega for the protection of ethnic minority rights in Denmark.”