Ulkoministeriön tuore tutkimus suomalaisten suhtautumisesta kehitysapuun on hyvin linjassa eduskuntavaalien tuloksen kanssa ja osoittaa poliittisessa demagogiassa tällä hetkellä vallitsevan harhan.
Tag: Perussuomalaiset
Is there racism in Finland (Part 2)?
The first time I wrote an entry on this question on Migrant Tales was in May 2008. Back then, a thread by Mikko claimed that racism wasn’t even on the top-five list of problems in Finland. Is racism a serious social problem that needs to be addressed vigorously? Where do we begin?
Halla-aho and Suomen Sisu get caught in their own game
If the Nazi-spirited Suomen Sisu and Perusuomalaiset (PS) MPs were an onion, what would we find at its center? A twenty-first century version of the solution without the scary adjective “final?” Racism in its most hostile form? A huge factory turning out urban myths about immigrants and minorities?
A ticking time bomb called the Perussuomalaiset
The right-wing populist Perussuomalaiset (PS) may be the biggest party in Finland today according to a poll by YLE, but some see it as a ticking time bomb. By staying in the opposition and postponing its inner feuds and differences, Timo Soini has avoided a head-on collision within the party.
Suomen Kuavalehti.fi: Mikko Heikka: Suomalaisia köyhiä ajetaan maahanmuuttajia vastaan
Köyhyys nousi huhtikuussa pidettyjen eduskuntavaalien tärkeäksi teemaksi. Myös hallitusneuvotteluissa asia on nähty keskeiseksi. Köyhyys ei kuitenkaan ole uusi ongelma. Jo vuosia kirkon tutkimukset ja piispojen puheenvuorot ovat tuoneet esille kasvavan köyhyyden seuraukset erityisesti pitkäaikaistyöttömien, lapsiperheiden ja yksinelävien arjessa. Näitä puheenvuoroja ei ole kuultu.
Migrant Tales update I: A PS councilman’s “justified” racism
Perussuomalaiset (PS) Rovaniemi city councilman Hemmo Koskimies’ blog entry, ”Justified racism – a ‘nigger’ lives alone in a 75m2 home,” still appears without any correction despite emails to Uusi Suomi’s editor-in-chief Markku Huusko and owner Niklas Herlin. A number of phone calls were made to Huusko but they were never returned by him.
Finland immigration debate: The reponse is the problem
I read this neat quote at a conference I am attending in Ireland. In my opinion, it could apply perfectly to what is happening in Finland concerning the debate of its ever-growing and present cultural diversity.
Aamulehti: Kohuvaltuutetun lausunto: Muslimitytön tappaminen ”positiivinen asia”
Muslimisynnyttäjen tappamiskirjoituksella kohua herättänyt kotkalainen kaupunginvaltuutettu Freddy Van Wonterghem sanoo Helsingin Sanomissa, ettei koe syyllistyneensä väitteellään rikokseen.
Was the Garden of Eden Finnish?
Most Finns know that this is a preposterous statement but some would agree that Adam and Eve were Finnish. This minority claims that since Finns have not mixed with anyone culturally never mind ethnically, the Garden of Eden must have been Finnish.
Leave my multicultural Finnish identity alone!
Many of the arguments used by the anti-immigration camp in this country is based on myths from nineteenth century Finnish history. When these groups declare war on multiculturalism what they are revealing is their denial of our cultural diversity.