Taking into account all the debate and pouring of outrage, some fake, some honest, at what happened last week, when a Neo-Nazi Kansallinen Vastarinta (SVL) member provoked the death of Jimi Joonas Karttunen, I am a bit worried about how we are taking our eye off the ball.
Tag: Olli Immonen
Far right Olli Immonen is a thankless MP to the PS and Timo Soini
Some politicians, like Perussuomalaiset (PS)* MP Olli Immonen live in a bubble inflated by their rhetoric and delusions. We got a taste of his hateful ideology in July, when he declared war on “the nightmare of multiculturalism” and how he vowed that “his fighters” will “fight until the end for our homeland.”
Matti Putkonen takes the Perussuomalaiset to the Twilight Zone
Here’s what happened Wednesday. Perussuomalaiset (PS)* MP Olli Immonen, who’s been pictured with neo-Nazis and recently declared war on “the nightmare of multiculturalism,” gave a press conference where he promised to write clearer text so that nobody could interpret them as racist or having neo-Nazi overtones.
Turncoats and the Perussuomalaiset of Finland
Can you trust a party that says one thing and then does the other? If you look at the adamant stand that the the Perussuomalaiset (PS)* and its leader, Timo Soini, had against any bailouts for Greece, we have now witnessed one of the biggest turncoat performances in Finnish politics ever. This link in Finnish will…
Finnish PS MP Olli Immonen takes swipe at asylum seekers, migrants and minorities
Perussuomalaiset (PS)* MP Olli Immonen is at it again after his xenophobic Facebook posting about “the nightmare of multiculturalism.” This time he is taking a swipe at asylum seekers. He uses terms like “uncontrolled” and “avalanche” to promote his brand of xenophobic and far right hostility not only against asylum seekers, but against Finland’s ever-growing culturally and ethnically diverse community.
The PS of Finland declares war against the media, researchers, and politicians
Perussuomalaiset (PS)* party strongman Matti Putkonen said that the populist anti-immigration party with far right leanings will hire a lawyer and threatened to take people to court for claiming that PS MP Olli Immmonen and the party has links with Nazi groups, according to Ilta-Sanomat.
Jussi Jalonen: Timo Soini ja suomalainen äärioikeisto
Jussi Jalonen Ulkoministeri ja peruspomo Timo Soini on tänään palaillut lomiltaan ja ottanut saman tien kantaa kohta pari viikkoa velloneeseen kohuun kansanedustaja Olli Immosen lausuntojen ympärillä. Samassa yhteydessä Soini tuomitsi jyrkästi myös kansallisen vastarintaliikkeen tuoreen mellakoinnin Jyväskylässä ja rinnasti rettelöinnin Tampereen toissavuotisiin itsenäisyyspäivän rettelöihin. Soinin sananvalinta on sikäli erikoinen, että kukaan ei ole varsinaisesti milloinkaan odottanut…
Finland’s Rosa Parks moment and crossing the line
For those of us who have been anti-racism activists for many years, Tuesday, July 28, offered us something we hadn’t seen before in Finland: A spontaneous 15,000-20.000-strong demonstration against racism and fascism in Helsinki. Was that very important demonstration a Rosa Parks moment and an important watershed to make Finland a more inclusive country?
Media researcher claims Finnish politicians don’t challenge racism strongly enough because they fear losing voters
Media researcher Anu Koivunen believes that Finnish politicians don’t challenge racism because they fear losing voters, reports MTV3. Koivunen said that reaction would have been stronger in Sweden if the Perussuomalaiset (PS)* MP Olli Immonen scandal would have happened in that neighboring country.
MP Olli Immonen, Birkenau death camp, and the PS’ party convention in Turku on August 8-9
A lot of attention has been given to the populist anti-immigration Perussuomalaiset (PS)* party as a result of MP Olli Immonen’s declaration of war against multiculturalism and last weekend’s neo-Nazi Suomen vastarintaliike (SVL) demonstration that turned violent in Jyväskylä.