Is lack of knowledge about living in a society with a small foreign population an excuse for poor and deficient coverage of Finland’s ever-growing immigrant population? The editor of Finland’s leading daily, Helsingin Sanomat, told Lahti-based Etelä-Suomen Sanomat that it has aimed to raise immigrant issues, racism and tolerance issues since society is changing and because of the political atmosphere has changed.
Tag: Multiculturalism
Journalism and Blog Writing for Immigrants and Finns (March 2012)
Journalism and Blog Writing for Immigrants and Finns is a course designed for those who have an interest in journalism/blog writing and who speak English as a second language. The course offers the participant an opportunity to learn reporting and interviewing techniques as well as writing news stories, editorials, and columns. Another important part of the course is to study the role journalism plays in guaranteeing civil liberties such as freedom of expression and furthering acceptance of minorities such as immigrants.
If Finland is serious about stamping out racism…
If our society is a model of social justice for other countries to emulate, why would we tolerate discrimination and all types of racism? Which group are the biggest threat to our society: immigrants or anti-immigration groups? Valtaosa pääkaupunkiseudun vanhemmista haluaisi kiintiöt maahanmuuttajaoppilaille
Enemmistö pääkaupunkiseudun peruskouluikäisten lasten vanhemmista haluaisi koulujen rajoittavan maahanmuuttajataustaisten oppilaiden osuutta luokissa. Vanhempien kanta ilmenee Helsingin Sanomien TNS Gallupilla teettämästä mielipidemittauksesta.
Bilingualism will supercharge your brain or is it that easy?
My blood pressure rises every time I hear people state nonchalantly that travelling enriches. If this were the case, why are some societies hostile to some people like immigrants who are growing up in two or more cultures? I was brought up in three national cultures and spoke three languages as a child.
Brain drain from Finland set to get worse as anti-immigration sentiment grows
Think tank Research Institute of the Finnish Economy (ETLA) states in a report that Finland already suffers from brain drain “to some extent.” With the backdrop of the April 17 election and a more negative atmosphere towards immigrants, coupled with the cooling of the economy, suggest that brain drain will continue to get worse.
YLE: Ruotsalaisen maahanmuuttajalähiön pahiskoulusta tuli palkittu eliittikoulu
Ruotsin monikulttuurisimman lähiön koulua johtava Börje Ehrstrand kertoo Aamu-tv:n haastattelussa, kuinka ongelmakoulusta tuli palkittu opinahjo. Rehtorin mukaan menestyksen salaisuus on sama kuin ongelmakin oli: monikultturisuus.
Are we all Finns?
It is a nice idea when some people state to immigrants that “we are all Finns.” I am certain that the person who makes such a statement has the best intentions in mind. However, isn’t it our right to choose who we are on our terms? Affirming that “we are all Finns” is as absolute of a statement as claiming “we are not Finns.”
Ten matters that ignite the debating spirit of Migrant Tales
Migrant Tales will never censor opinions that aren’t racist. One of the strengths of this blog has been its diversity of opinions on immigration, Finnish identity and other topics. Even so, some matters get our adrenalin circulating faster than others. Here are the top 10:
What the far right in Finland really means when it says “multiculturalism sucks ass”
If one reads the anti-immigration rhetoric of the far-right wing of the Perussuomalaiset (PS) party led by MP Jussi Halla-aho, you will eventually find the racism and the meaning behind their discourse. Almost everything they claim and object to boils down to one matter: Stop Muslims and non-Europeans from coming to Finland and Europe.